The Snow Queen's Captive

The Snow Queen's Captive Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Snow Queen's Captive Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jill Myles
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Time travel
wanted to jump her bones, not escape. Wasn’t this supposed to be more difficult? Or was this truly supposed to be this easy? She didn’t know, and Muffin hadn’t exactly left her a training manual. For the first time, she wished she’d paid more attention to fairy tales. Who knew that she’d be forced to interact in one at a later date? “Do you have any more ice anywhere else?” She could feel her cheeks blushing even as she asked it. “Anywhere I can’t see?”
    “I do not.”
    There was something about this still bothering her, though. She examined his face, and his strange mirrored eyes. Something gleamed in the corner of each one. Something shiny and unnatural. “Did I do something to your eyes?”
    “Yes, mistress.”
    Damn it. “Lean down.”
    He did, and she got all disconcerted at the sight of him leaning in close. He really was beautiful, even if his warmth did feel a bit like standing in front of an inferno. Those strange eyes watched her, his face so close to hers that she would have felt his breath…but she realized he was holding it. Thinking of her, perhaps?
    She studied his face. There was definitely something shiny in the corner of each eye. “I’m sorry,” she warned him. “But I’m going to have to touch you.”
    “I await your touch with anticipation, mistress.”
    “You won’t be saying that when I stick a finger in your eye,” she grumbled, but moved forward. She extended one finger close to the corner of his eye, and to her surprise, before she could touch him, the shiny object flew out of his eye and landed on her fingertip as if magnetized. She stared at it. It looked like a chip of mirror.
    The mirror in her room had been missing two chips. “What in the world?” She glanced back at Kai and noticed that his eye was a dark amber-brown now, with a normal pupil. Her fingertip went to the other one and the mirror chip flew out before she could touch him again. She frowned at the twin chips in her hand, and then patted her dress, looking for a pocket. When she didn’t find one, she shrugged and slid the chips into her bodice. “Strange stuff, Kai. Do you feel better now?”
    He didn’t answer.
    She looked up at his face.
    His beautiful mouth was twisted into a snarl, and those amber-brown eyes flickered with emotion. Rage. He bared his teeth in a grimace and lunged at her.
    Charlotte barely was able to duck and sidestep as he went flying past her, skidding on the icy floors that caused her bare feet no trouble. He slammed into one of the nearby walls, and cursed under his breath. Then, he turned, big shoulders heaving. “Monster,” he growled. “I’ll have your heart.”
    Her eyes widened. “Kai?”
    “You have not earned the right to address me, foul creature!” He lunged at her again, big body launching from the icy wall toward her.
    She gave a shriek of surprise and threw a hand up to protect herself, flinching away. She braced herself for the impact of his massive body on hers…but it never came. Instead, she heard a crackle of ice, and her eyes opened a moment later in surprise. When she’d thrown her arm up, she’d created an ice barrier, and it had protected her from Kai’s lunge. The barrier had shattered under the force of his weight, and he’d rolled to the floor, where he was even now picking himself up off the ground for yet another attack, his handsome face drawn into a rictus of anger.
    Completely gone was the Kai that had begged her to touch him in that weird monotone. The man that stood before her now was huge and enraged.
    “Stop it,” she told him in a quaking voice. “I just freed you!”
    That brought a snarl to his lips. “Yes, you freed me for more of your sick, twisted games. Games that I want no part of. You will have to enchant me again if you wish me pliable, foul woman.”
    Enchant him again?
    The mirror shards in her bodice. Of course. No wonder he’d been so weirdly compliant. She shook her head and darted to the side even as he ran
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