body, or it can appear in your dreams. Pay particular attention to repetitive dreams,
as the subconscious mind, soul, and intuition are trying to get your attention.
External guidance can come from the universe in the form of synchronicities, unex-
plained occurrences, repetitive signs, card readings, unexpected meetings, appearances
of angelic beings, visions, channeling, miracles, and symbols.
Both internal and external ways give people an intuitive insight into themselves
and what they need to focus on to enjoy life wellness.
Internal Guidance: Awakening Your Intuition while Meditating
When you meditate, you have the capacity to slow down your mind and connect to
your body, emotions, and soul. A relaxed state is often ideal for receiving important
insights. In my workshops, I always encourage people to soften their bodies, place their
hands on the part of their body which has pain or discomfort, and begin their explo-
ration by asking empowering questions, such as:
• If there was a thought pattern or a belief stored in this part of my body, what would
it be?
• If there was a feeling stored here, what would it be and what situations would it
relate to?
• If my body had a message for me about what actions I need to take next in order to
feel better, what would it be?
You can ask any question you like. Then simply relax and allow an answer to float
into your mind. The more open you are, while maintaining a clear intention of what
you are asking for, the more likely you will receive an answer. When an answer is unex-
pected, it usually means it has come from your intuition and Higher Self rather than
your conscious mind.
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The Secret of Life Wellness
Internal Guidance: The Intuition of Dreams
Often dreams can show you what you are trying to ignore, bury, and suppress. When
you recognize and start to deal with your shadow aspects and difficulties you are facing,
your dreams usually change. Many dream analysts believe that dreams can help release
unacknowledged emotions into your consciousness so that you can face a challenging
issue without creating a physical ailment.
I encourage people to keep a journal of impactful dreams and intuitive insights,
give themselves time to understand their meaning, acknowledge the areas they need to
transform, and take steps toward making empowering choices. In order to fully grasp
what your intuition is trying to tell you, make sure you explore the shadow and the light
meaning of your dreams.
Kerry’s Story: A Powerful Series of Dreams
I have a friend, Kerry, who kept dreaming that her teeth were falling out. While
this dream is common, it is important to understand it based on the person’s
particular experience. In Kerry’s case, the dream mirrored her anxiety about a
long distance relationship she was having, where she was doing all the sacri-
ficing. Each tooth she was losing in her dream was representing the personal
cost of her compromise. In order to be with her boyfriend, she had to put her
own dreams, career, and responsibilities on hold and follow him around the
world. This put an incredible financial and emotional strain on her life. She also
felt like she could not be completely honest with him, thus her dream was
demonstrating her loss of power, stuckness, and lack of choice.
On a physical level, teeth help you chew food and communicate. The
emotional aspect of losing teeth can demonstrate feeling powerless, as well
as a fear of aging and not being able to process your current experiences.
Symbolically, this kind of dream shows a loss of your voice and not
believing in your capacity to cocreate your life experiences. It’s as if you are
trapped in a situation and unable to move forward. Interestingly, Kerry also
dreamt of being stuck in a prison that she kept trying to escape from.
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Inna Segal