Kerry’s intuition was clearly speaking to her through her
dreams, demonstrating that her mind, body, and spirit felt trapped in her
situation and that she was losing her strength and had to be honest with
herself and her partner, she interpreted her dream to be communicating
that things were getting better and that she was making positive changes.
Yet, from an outside perspective she seemed to be struggling in several
areas of her life, and it appeared like her soul was asking her to pay atten-
tion to what was not working in her life, be truthful, ask for support, make
practical decisions, and take responsibility for her financial situation.
Through a substantial amount of self-examination and honesty, Kerry
finally understood the message, shared her true feelings with her partner,
made new plans for the future, felt more confident in herself, and began
taking care of f her financial responsibilities. Thus she really did make posi-
tive changes.
External Guidance: The Intuition of Color
Since I love color healing, I encourage people to become conscious of the role colors
can play in their lives. For instance, we can tell a lot about a person’s internal state by
observing what colors they wear and the colors of the food they choose to eat.
At times in my seminars, I ask people to connect to a part of their body and then
ask a question such as, “If there was a color in this part of your body, what would it be?”
After a few moments, I inquire “Is this a healthy color for your body? If not, what
would be a healthy color?” The intention is that the message they receive will come
directly from the innate wisdom of their body. The colors they see give an insight into
the internal state of their body and how they can improve their well-being. I then give
them a quick interpretation of the meaning of the colors, and encourage them to learn
about the colors they saw.
I also ask people to pick a card from my card deck, The Secret Language of Color ,
which can show them what aspects of their lives they have to work on. Since everyone
chooses their card without knowing what color they are picking, it is always fascinating
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The Secret of Life Wellness
to hear gasps of excitement when they see the color and understand how it relates to
their life.
If you chose to explore color healing, I would recommend asking your body to intu-
itively show you what color it needs, as I have described above.
There are many different healing card decks which can give you a quick insight
into something you are working on. I encourage you to surround yourself with various
tools that can help you develop your intuitive abilities.
Rhonda’s Story: Color Healing
Rhonda used color healing with the help of my color cards along with Reiki
to assist her mother to heal her thyroid cancer. Her mother intuitively chose
three colors that could help with her thyroid and immune system. She
picked blue, which is helpful for any throat and thyroid conditions, as well
as with purifying the body soothing nervous irritation and clearing blocked
pathways. She then picked orange, which assists in boosting your immune
system and helping to dissolve painful emotions, and green, which aids in
overcoming fear, releasing frustration and revitalizing your nervous and
circulatory systems.
Rhonda placed the cards on her mother’s body and began sending
healing energy to her. When she removed the cards, they had changed
color and had a warm, sticky liquid on them. Her mother also felt like
painful energy was leaving her body.
Not long after, her mother had an operation where her thyroid gland
was removed. When she got her results back, they showed no cancer.
Deepak Chopra writes, “It may sound strange to think of cancer as dis-
torted energy, but that’s just what it is. To remove that discomfort, you have
to start thinking of the whole body in terms of