The Reason Why

The Reason Why Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Reason Why Read Online Free PDF
Author: Vickie M. Stringer
snapped out of her thoughts. “Yeah, I’m all right.”
    Chino stood, and helped Pam up.
    â€œHey, you stood up by yourself!”
    â€œDuh, no shit, Sherlock!”
    â€œChino, you better not!”
    â€œBetter not what?”
    â€œYou better not have been acting all this time.”
    â€œWhat? Acting like I couldn’t skate?”
    â€œTag, you’re it!” Chino tapped Pam on her shoulder and took off. He sped around the rink like he was Scott Hamilton on steroids.
    â€œChino, you asshole!” Pam took off after him. “I can’t believe you’ve been making a fool of me this whole time!”
    â€œYou’re the one who assumed that because I was a dude I couldn’t ice-skate!” Chino told her. “I’m from Cleveland, girl. There’s only one thing to do in the winters when you can’t drink, and that’s ice-skate.”
    Chino spun around facing her, while skating backward at high speed.
    â€œWhen I catch you, I’m going to kill you!” Pam shouted.
    â€œYou can’t catch me, slowpoke!” Chino said with a smile. “Your head’s too big, and it weighs you down.”
    Pam sped up. Chino spun and accidentally bumped into some young ladies. He tumbled to the ground, and Pam slid to a stop next to him.
    â€œThat what your sorry ass gets!” Pam huffed.
    â€œSorry!” Chino shouted to the girls.
    Pam extended her hand, and Chino clasped it. She began to pull him up, and then let go, allowing him to fall back down to the ground. “Now you’re it!”
    Pam sidestepped Chino and quickly raced off. Chino got up and went after her. He caught up with her halfway around the rink, and pulled her to the center of the rink, where he used his weight to pull her down.
    He pulled her close and kissed her again.
    â€œDon’t what?” Chino asked softly.
    â€œIt’s too soon.”
    â€œWhat are you trying to say?”
    â€œIt’s too soon for this.”
    â€œI don’t understand, but whatever it is, I’m cool with it. Don’t worry about anything, Pam. I’ll wait for you, for as long as it takes. We’re in this thing together, understand?”
    Pam nodded. Her mouth wouldn’t say what her heart wanted it to say. Her brain had interceded. What she wanted to say was that it was too soon for her to be feeling the way she felt about him. What she wanted to say was that it was too soon for her to have fallen in love.

Chapter 7

Slow It Down
    P am strolled down Neil Avenue, on her way to her Sociology 100 class. She had on a pair of jeans, a jacket, and a scarf to keep her face warm. Pam’s eyes teared as the brisk November wind snapped across her face. Drawing her scarf closely to her chin, she continued to walk, shielding her face with her textbook. Turning right to walk past Mirror Lake, one of her favorite outdoor spots on campus, she saw that the water was now sprinkled with orange, yellow, and red leaves from the various trees. She smiled at its spendor and its beauty. It made her feel special.
    Although it was cold outside, she was anything but anxious to reach Mendenhall Lab in the South Oval. Pam was slacking off in school because she was either with Chino or thinking about him when she should have been listening to a lecture or studying. Her mom and stepdad crossed her mind. They wouldn’t be happy with her upcoming quarterly report card.
    â€œHey! Pam!”
    Pam quickly turned around. She hadn’t heard the deliberate footsteps behind her. A tall, well-dressed boy stood before her, grinning widely. Pam searched his face but couldn’t place him.
    â€œYes?” she asked as she stared at his beautiful smile with pearly white teeth. The brisk wind blew the scent of his cologne into her nostrils and she inhaled the smell. His skin was a smooth semisweet chocolate, pulled
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