The Quaker and the Rebel

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Book: The Quaker and the Rebel Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mary Ellis
it. You continue to own human beings . Emily’s unspoken words hung in the air like a fog.
    Clearing his throat, Joshua lifted a lid to reveal an elaborately dressed pheasant on the sideboard. A cornucopia of fruits and vegetables surrounded the roast bird. “A marvelous presentation, Joshua, thank you. You may carve now.” Mrs. Bennington’s compliment curtailed the uncomfortable moment.
    Emily let the matter drop and gave her full attention to the salad course. It wouldn’t do to get fired on her second day of employment.
    “I picked up a copy of the Richmond Ledger in town today,” said Alexander, addressing his uncle. “The Gray Wraith has struck again. He made off with a hundred prime cavalry horses with their saddles and tack, besides fifty wagons of food, blankets, and medicine on their way to the Union Army encamped at Warrenton. Begging your pardon, Miss Harrison.” He bobbed his head in Emily’s direction. “The papersays they masqueraded as a Federal detachment, rode in, and ransacked the caravan without a single shot being fired. The supplies are now in the hands of Thomas Jackson’s men in the Shenandoah,” he concluded with great enthusiasm. “Begging your pardon again, Miss Harrison.”
    “Excellent news,” said Dr. Bennington. “Those horses couldn’t be more essential with skirmishes increasing and recruits arriving to the camps daily. But I doubt Mr. Lincoln’s prime stock can compare with your horses, Alexander, or with mine.”
    Alexander turned to Emily for a reaction, but she was concentrating on a biscuit. She spread butter into each nook and cranny with deliberation. With a shrug of his shoulders, he proceeded to devour an entire pheasant leg. “Joshua, please give my compliments to Matilde. This roast bird is superb.”
    Joshua’s smile revealed a gold tooth. “Thank you, Mr. Hunt.” He bowed slightly and withdrew from the room.
    “Would you like to try your hand at cooking, Miss Harrison, during your free time?” Alexander handed her a bowl of candied yams. “I’m sure my aunt and uncle will let you experiment on Matilde’s day off. They should send in Margaret and Annie as your assistants to develop their domestic talents.” His gaze remained on Emily as he took a long drink of wine.
    Emily knew he was taunting her, but she could say nothing without offending her employers. So she imagined upturning the bowl of yams over his head, along with the platter of sautéed spinach. The image of sugary juice running down his chin and wilted greens decorating his pristine white shirt brought a smile to her lips. She sipped from her water glass. “I look forward to it, Mr. Hunt, but I’ll save the occasion for your next visit that you might enjoy the fruits of my labor.”
    Alexander raised his glass in a mock toast. “Shall I pour you some wine?”
    “Thank you, no. I’m Quaker and don’t partake in spirits. I’m surprised you do. Your aunt mentioned you were a Friend.”
    “I have fallen away, I’m afraid. Too many thees, thys, and thous for my tastes.” He nodded deferentially to his aunt.
    “Tell me more about this Gray Wraith, Dr. Bennington,” said Emily, eager to change the subject. “The Ohio newspapers don’t print stories about him.”
    “Oh, he’s very mysterious, my dear.” Mrs. Bennington provided the explanation. “He’s believed to be a partisan ranger, but no one knows his true identity. His men refer to him only as Colonel. He rides a white stallion in the dead of night with his scarlet-lined cape flying behind him. Very dashing, don’t you think? According to the accounts, he carries only a saber, refusing to possess a firearm.” Mrs. Bennington’s eyes sparkled in the glow of the candlelight.
    “My wife has grown more besotted with the Wraith’s intrigue than even Margaret. I pray he never rides to Bennington Plantation. I fear I’ll lose the love of my life if she sets eyes on him.”
    Mrs. Bennington blushed demurely. “Oh, Porter, how
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