role as a “concentrator,”
helping his subject get into the right
Franz Mesmer induced trance
state of mind. In On The Cause
through the application of magnets,
of Lucid Sleep , he describes his
often to the stomach. These were said
method: “After selecting subjects
to bring the body’s “animal” magnetism
with the right aptitude, I ask them
back into a harmonious state.
to relax in a chair, shut their eyes,
concentrate their attention, and
surgeon James Braid, from the
Jean-Martin Charcot began to use
think about sleep. As they quietly
Greek hypnos , meaning “sleep”
hypnotism systematically in the
await further instructions,
and osis meaning “condition.” Braid
treatment of traumatic hysteria.
I gently or commandingly say:
concluded that hypnosis is not a
This brought hypnosis to the
‘ Dormez !’ (Sleep!) and they fall
type of sleep but a concentration
attention of Josef Breuer and
into lucid sleep”.
on a single idea, resulting in
Sigmund Freud, who were to
It was from Faria’s lucid sleep
heightened suggestibility. After his
question the drive behind the
that the term “hypnosis” was
death, interest in hypnosis largely
hypnotic self, and discover the
coined in 1843 by the Scottish
waned until the French neurologist
power of the unconscious. ■
Abbé Faria
Born in Portuguese Goa, José
could so quickly alter his state
Custódio de Faria was the son of
of mind. He moved to France,
a wealthy heiress, but his parents
where he played a prominent
separated when he was 15.
part in the French Revolution
Armed with introductions to the
and refined his techniques of
Portuguese court, Faria and his
self-suggestion while imprisoned.
father traveled to Portugal where
Faria became a professor of
both trained as priests. On one
philosophy, but his theater
occasion, the young Faria was
shows demonstrating “lucid
asked by the queen to preach in
sleep” undercut his reputation;
her private chapel. During the
when he died of a stroke in 1819
sermon, he panicked, but his
he was buried in an unmarked
father whispered, “They are all
grave in Montmartre, Paris.
men of straw—cut the straw!”
Faria immediately lost his fear and
Key work
preached fluently; he later
wondered how a simple phrase
1819 On the Cause of Lucid Sleep
Experiences and sensations
combine to form ideas .
1704 German philosopher
Gottfried Leibniz discusses
Dissimilar ideas resist
petites perceptions (perceptions
Similar ideas can
one another and become
coexist or combine .
without consciousness) in his
forces in conflict.
New Essays on Human
1869 German philosopher
One idea is forced
Eduard von Hartmann
to become favored
publishes his widely read
over another.
Philosophy of the Unconscious.
1895 Sigmund Freud and
The unfavored idea leaves
Josef Breuer publish Studies
The favored idea stays
consciousness; it becomes
on Hysteria , introducing
in consciousness .
an unconscious idea .
psychoanalysis and its
theories of the unconscious.
1912 Carl Jung writes The
Psychology of the Unconscious ,
suggesting that all people have
a culturally specific collective
J ohann Herbart was a German the mind must use some kind of
philosopher who wanted to
system for differentiating and
investigate how the mind
storing ideas. He also wanted to
works—in particular, how it
account for the fact that although
manages ideas or concepts. Given
ideas exist forever (Herbart thought
that we each have a huge number of
them incapable of being destroyed),
ideas over the course of our lifetime,
some seem to exist beyond our
how do we not become increasingly
conscious awareness. The 18th-
confused? It seemed to Herbart that
century German philosopher