initiating action.
parts.” The fountains were controlled
about philosophy, science,
by a fountaineer, and here Descartes
and mathematics. From 1612
found an analogy for the mind. He
to 1628, he contemplated,
traveled, and wrote. In 1649,
explained: “There is a reasoning
he was invited to teach Queen
soul in this machine; it has its
Christina of Sweden, but her
principal site in the brain, where it
early-morning demands on his
is like the fountaineer who must be
time, combined with a harsh
at the reservoir, whither all the
climate, worsened his health;
pipes of the machine are extended,
he died on February 11, 1650.
when he wishes to start, stop, or in
Officially, the cause of death
some way alter their actions.”
was pneumonia, but some
While philosophers still argue as
historians believe that he
to whether the mind and brain are
was poisoned to stop
somehow different entities, most
the Protestant Christina
psychologists equate the mind
converting to Catholicism.
with the workings of the brain.
However, in practical terms, the
Key works
distinction between mental and
1637 Discourse on the Method
physical health is a complex one:
Descartes illustrated the pineal
1662 De Homine (written 1633)
the two being closely linked when
gland , a single organ in the brain
1647 The Description of the
mental stress is said to cause
ideally placed to unite the sights and
Human Body
sounds of the two eyes and the two
physical illness, or when chemical
1649 The Passions of the Soul
ears into one impression.
imbalances affect the brain. ■
ARIA (1756–181 !
T he practice of inducing state, but its use as a healing
trance states to promote
therapy was largely abandoned until
healing is not new. Several
the German doctor Franz Mesmer
ancient cultures, including those of
reintroduced it in the 18th century.
Egypt and Greece, saw nothing
Mesmer’s treatment involved
strange about taking their sick to
manipulating the body’s natural, or
“sleep temples” so they could be
“animal,” magnetism, through the
1027 Persian philosopher and
cured, while in a sleeplike state, by
use of magnets and suggestion.
physician Avicenna (Ibn Sina)
suggestions from specially trained
After being “mesmerized,” or
writes about trances in The
priests. In 1027, the Persian
“magnetized,” some people suffered
Book of Healing.
physician Avicenna documented
a convulsion, after which they
1779 German physician Franz
the characteristics of the trance
claimed to feel better.
Mesmer publishes A Memoir
on the Discovery of Animal
Magnetism .
1843 Scottish surgeon James
…combines with the
Braid coins the term “neuro-
A gentle request or
highly concentrated
commanding order…
mind of a subject…
hypnotism” in Neurypnology .
1880S French psychologist
Emile Coué discovers the
placebo effect and publishes
Self-Mastery Through
Conscious Autosuggestion.
1880S Sigmund Freud
investigates hypnosis and its
In this state
the subject becomes
apparent power to control
…to induce a state of
more susceptible
“lucid sleep”
unconscious symptoms.
to the power of
(hypnotic trance).
See also: Jean-Martin Charcot 30 ■ Sigmund Freud 92–99 ■ Carl Jung 102–07 ■ Milton Erickson 336
A few years later, Abbé Faria, a
Portugese-Goan monk, studied
Mesmer’s work and concluded that
it was “entirely absurd” to think
that magnets were a vital part of the
process. The truth was even more
Nothing comes from the
extraordinary: the power to fall into
magnetizer; everything comes
trance or “lucid sleep” lay entirely
from the subject and takes
with the individuals concerned.
place in his imagination.
No special forces were necessary,
Abbé Faria
because the phenomena relied only
upon the power of suggestion.
Lucid sleep
Faria saw his