The Pirate and the Feisty Maid--  Part One—At His Hand

The Pirate and the Feisty Maid-- Part One—At His Hand Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: The Pirate and the Feisty Maid-- Part One—At His Hand Read Online Free PDF
Author: Cali MacKay
Tags: Erótica, Romance, BDSM, Erotic Romance, spanking, voyeur, dom, Pirate, girl on girl, sub dom
to her body,
her face numb and her head spinning. She got bumped and jostled by
the growing evening crowds as she wandered aimlessly, her thoughts
refusing to settle on anything but Ronan’s departure.
    Though she wanted nothing more than for Ronan to come
after her and comfort her in his arms, she knew it wouldn’t resolve
anything. Not that her solution would yield better results.
    She wandered into the alehouse on the far end of
town, hoping to find a small measure of distraction and oblivion.
It wasn’t the pub she normally frequented, but that suited her just
fine, since there was a good chance Ronan would eventually go
looking for her and knew all her normal haunts. It was a rougher
crowd than she was used to, but in the mood she was in, she didn’t
    Heading straight for the bar, she could feel the
men’s eyes shift in her direction, watching her progress through
the room. Ignoring them, she slid a coin across the marred wood
surface to the publican and then climbed onto a stool. “Whisky.” He
poured her a glass, and nearly as quick, she emptied it, the liquid
like molten gold burning its way down her throat. Another coin was
sent across. “I’ll take the bottle.”
    The publican’s eyebrows perked in question, but he
gave her the bottle and watched as she poured herself another.
“’Tis your coin, aye? But do you think it a wise idea?”
    She threw back her drink, giving her head a shake as
the drink set her insides on fire. “What do you care?”
    “Listen, lass, you’re far too pretty to end up piss
drunk and alone in a place like this. It’s dangerous for you to be
here on your own. They’re a bunch of pirates and criminals.” He was
right about the men assembled, and likely the reason she didn’t
frequent this pub in Ronan’s absence.
    She looked at the publican as if for the first time.
He was a handsome man and well-muscled, with honey-streaked brown
hair, kind amber eyes the color of rum and a smile that would make
a lass weak in the knees. Still young, she’d guess him to be in his
mid-twenties, and about her age, unlike Ronan who was three and
thirty, far more a man than a boy.
    Swallowing her misery, she managed a smile, thinking
she may have found a way to help forget her sorrows. “They may be
criminals and pirates, but I have you to protect me. What’s your
name, pet?”
    “William.” He took her hand and brought it to his
lips, her heart picking up an extra beat when he touched her, his
hands just a little rough from work, though he was nothing but
gentle. “And it’d be my honor to keep you safe. What’s your name,
    “It’s Molly. Will you drink with me?” She found
herself taking an immediate liking to him, for there was something
sweet about him, a kindness in his eyes that gave her the
impression that the man before her would hold nothing back when he
fell in love, giving them his all, heart and soul.
    William put another glass on the bar and she filled
them both, happy for his company, a small glimmer of light on a
dark and hopeless night. When he smiled at her, she was happy to
see his eyes light up from within. “Molly, eh? As for drinking with
you, I don’t think I’d have it in me to refuse you anything,
    Molly drained her glass, and then reached across the
bar and pulled William in close, nuzzling him before brushing her
lips against his. Their kiss deepened, her lips hard on his as his
mouth parted and their tongues explored, the taste of whisky still
strong, burning the back of her throat. He tangled his hands in her
hair and pulled her closer, stealing her breath, kissing her until
everything around them faded to grey.
    How she managed to put some distance between them,
she knew not, for he’d had a far greater effect on her than she’d
anticipated. And yet, despite her flirtations with William, she
still could not keep Ronan from invading her thoughts, her heart
only aching all the more for him. Her body might react to
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