The Pirate and the Feisty Maid--  Part One—At His Hand

The Pirate and the Feisty Maid-- Part One—At His Hand Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Pirate and the Feisty Maid-- Part One—At His Hand Read Online Free PDF
Author: Cali MacKay
Tags: Erótica, Romance, BDSM, Erotic Romance, spanking, voyeur, dom, Pirate, girl on girl, sub dom
touch, and he seemed incredibly nice, but she was still Ronan’s,
heart and soul.
    William pursed his lips in a frown, his brow drawn
close as he took her in. “Are you all right, Molly?”
    “Aye. I’m fine, love.” Yet she wasn’t. Not when she
couldn’t forget Ronan or that he’d be leaving her in mere days. She
poured them another drink, hoping it would dull her senses and kill
her heartache.
    Tears threatened once more, making her eyes sting.
She threw back her drink, ignoring the molten heat as it trailed
over the lump in her throat to her belly, and then spun in her
stool to look out at the crowd, lest William notice just how upset
she was. Seeking further distraction, she scanned the room and
found a game of cards going. Perfect.
    Forcing a smile on her face, she glanced over her
shoulder at William. “I trust you’ll not be going anywhere?” Then
before he could answer her, she twined her hand in his shirt and
pulled him close for another kiss as he cupped her face, kissing
her until he left her breathless, her heartbeat tripping over
itself. His lips lingered on hers a moment more, and she couldn’t
help but nuzzle him before pulling away and wandering over to join
the game.
    She waited for the hand being played to end and then
pulled up a seat, ignoring the raised eyebrows of the men sitting
at the table. “Deal me in, if you would.”
    “You sure?” The man across from her gathered the
cards, though his grey eyes were on her, a curious smile on his
weathered and scarred face.
    “Wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t. Deal the cards, love.”
She leaned forward, elbows on the table, holding his gaze without a
problem. “Or do I have you worried?” Given the mood she was in, she
didn’t really care if she won or lost her hand—though luck tended
to favor her.
    “Nae, darling. Not worried one bit, and I’d rather
look at your pretty face than these ugly mugs.” He tilted his head
to the other men at the table.
    In the end, her head was not in the game, her
thoughts running back to Ronan. To what would happen between them.
She played and drank, losing some, winning most, her head starting
to spin.
    And then she felt a hand on her shoulder.
    She closed her eyes and her breath deepened as she
resisted the urge to lean up against his arm. She need not look to
see who it was, for she would always know his touch.
    *End of Sample—The Pirate and the Feisty Maid, Part
Two – Her New Lover, is now available for purchase.*

The Pirate and the Feisty Maid

Part Two- Her New Lover
    Chapter One
    “But you only just got back.” Molly couldn’t believe
Ronan would be leaving her again, his words like a punch to the
gut. In just a week’s time, he’d be returning to sea, despite
having just returned home after a six-month absence. Her temper
sparked, and she made no move to hide it—nor could she hide the
tears that shimmered and stung her eyes as she struggled to hold
them back.
    “Molly, ye ken I’d not be going if I didn’t need to,
but we’re far enough into the season that I’ve no choice if I’m to
make the voyage there before the weather turns.” He took another
pull from his ale when the full meaning of his words hit her.
    “So you don’t mean to return until next season?” This
time, his words were like a knife to the heart. She was numb with
disbelief, not wanting to believe what he was saying.
    “It’ll be too dangerous to try and return. I’ll
winter in the Indies before heading back. But this opportunity
willna present itself again. I’d not leave ye otherwise.”
    His blue eyes held hers, so she found herself unable
to look away. “Then take me with you. Please, don’t leave me here,
Ronan. I cannot manage without you for such a length of time when
I’ll barely have ye back a week before you depart once more. And
you promised me—you promised to not ever leave me longer than a
single season.”
    He’d given her his word—as long as they were
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