The Other C-Word

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Book: The Other C-Word Read Online Free PDF
Author: MK Schiller
sentence…stretching out the syllables in that sexy voice of his. Actually, I loved it, which was why I hated it. It evoked a visible shiver, which I was sure he noticed. I decided it was best to stay focused on work topics only. “He went to work for that company with all the American Flags in their ads and no American clothes in their stores.”
    “Oh, I see. Well, that must be difficult for you.” He ran his hands through his hair. It’s funny how it all fell back in the same perfect pattern, like I’d instinctively known it would. I wondered if it did that when he got up in the morning. I sat up straighter, realising I was being precarious. I never crushed on guys like this. In fact, I made it a rule not to.
    I didn’t have to respond to him because my phone started ringing again. The caller ID flashed that it was my mom…again.
    “Are you going to answer it this time?” His question sounded more like a command, and I didn’t appreciate it.
    “No!” I didn’t mean to shout, but I did.
    “I really think you should, Marley. It’s the second time she’s called.”
    “Do you answer the phone every time your mother calls, Rick?”
    His expression shifted immediately and his voice became sombre. “I wish I could. My parents passed away ten years ago.”
    Open mouth—insert one finely crafted Louboutin.
    “I’m sorry.”
    “It’s okay, but it might be important. You should answer it.”
    Well, what else was there to do but answer it? I pushed the accept call button on my phone. “Hi, Mom,” I answered, trying to sound chipper, hoping to God she would not embarrass me.
    “Hi, honey, did you make it to the airport?”
    “Yeah, I’m headed back to the office now.”
    “So, do you have the cheapskate with you?” Oh Crap!
    “Mom, you’re on speaker phone!”
    “You should tell a person these things. Sorry, Mr Cheapskate.” Oh no, she didn’t just say that…did she? Every part of my body cringed simultaneously. Rick laughed though and it was an honest laugh, not uncomfortable or tense.
    “No problem, Marley’s mom.”
    “Mom, is there something you needed?”
    “Oh, I just wanted to remind you about the fitting for the bridesmaid dresses. Stevie wanted to make sure you weren’t late.”
    “I know. I’ll be there.” I couldn’t believe she’d called for this, as if Stevie hadn’t already told me ten times.
    “Sorry, honey, you know how your sister is, especially when it comes to this wedding. Speaking of, do you have a date yet?”
    “Mom, it’s like four months away!”
    “Actually, it’s only three and a half. Don’t leave it for the last minute, Marley. Even Billie has a date already. Do you want me to have Adam set you up with one of his friends?”
    “No! Look, Mom, I can’t discuss this with you right now. I have to go, okay?”
    “Okay, honey, it was just a suggestion. I’ll see you tonight, and you’re in for a treat.”
    “Why is that?” I regretted it as soon as I asked the question.
    “Because it’s vegan meatballs tonight,” she replied happily. “Oh, and I found a recipe for vegan mousse too!”
    I had no idea how one would go about making vegan meatballs…it sounded like a contradiction in terms.
    “Okay, got to go. I love you.”
    “I love you too, sweetheart.” Despite my embarrassment, I couldn’t hang up without telling my mom I loved her. She was the most special person in the world or at least to me.
    Rick grinned, rather foolishly, at me. I tugged absently at my borrowed pink shell top realising it probably resembled the same colour as my flushed face.
    “Are you a vegan?” His question surprised me, but put me at ease too.
    “No, just my mom is. I like meat.” What the hell am I doing? Did I just tell this very hot guy next to me that I like meat? Rick further cemented my mortification by chuckling, but thankfully, he moved on.
    “Your sister’s getting married?”
    “Yes,” I answered gratefully. He was taking the high road and ignoring
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