The Oracle Rebounds

The Oracle Rebounds Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Oracle Rebounds Read Online Free PDF
Author: Allison van Diepen
think that?
    Cheerlead4ever: He spends a lot of time with his guy friends and doesn’t always answer my calls. The guys could be covering for him.
    Oracle: It sounds like you don’t trust him. Why is that?
    Cheerlead4ever: He’s cheated before. It was the most humiliating thing that ever happened to me, and I can’t go through it again. He promised he’ll never do it again but how can I trust him?

    This is a touchy question. I have a theory about cheaters. If they do it once, they don’t have the moral foundation to stop themselves from doing it again.
    Oracle: The past can’t be changed. If you’re sure that you want to give him another chance, then you have no choice but to rebuild the trust that was lost. Otherwise, you’ll just be torturing yourself.
    Cheerlead4ever: He’s not helping any. He thinks I call and text him too much.
    Oracle: That’s too bad. If he wants to rebuild your trust, he should accept that you’ll be suspicious of him, at least for a while.
    Cheerlead4ever: I don’t think he’s concerned about rebuilding my trust. He just expects me to trust him, just like that!
    Oracle: He doesn’t sound very mature.
    Cheerlead4ever: You’re right about that!
    Oracle: Then the Oracle must ask you: why do you feel you have to be with him?
    Cheerlead4ever: Everybody knows we belong together. Even he knows it.
    Oracle: Why do you belong with a guy who’s cheated on you? Don’t you deserve better?
    Cheerlead4ever: Of course I do. I’m just waiting for him to figure that out.
    Oracle: If this guy is immature, it could be a long time before he figures it out. Or he may never figure it out. Are you willing to put your happiness in his hands?
    Cheerlead4ever: Yes, Oracle, I am. Now, can you tell me ways to figure out if he’s cheating on me or not?

    This girl really doesn’t get it. I give her some tips, and by the end of the chat, she seems satisfied that she got what she came for. Once we disconnect, I sit there for a few moments, wondering how anyone can be so obsessed with keeping a cheating boyfriend. The more she told me about him, the scuzzier he seemed. Yet for her, breaking up was not an option.
    Far better be single than in a relationship where there isn’t trust.
    I trusted Jared completely. Until he broke my heart.
    Haven’t Been Single for a While? Give It a Try!
    Now I admit it—the Oracle of Dating is as guilty as anyone of extolling the merits of being in a relationship. I mean, it’s the Oracle of Dating, not the Oracle of Singledom. Nevertheless, the Oracle believes that being single is not only a healthy place to be, it’s essential for a person’s growth. It’s a state not to be reviled, but appreciated. And the fact is, being single is downright fun.
    Yes, fun. Because being single puts you in a realm where the familiar is replaced by mystery. Who knows who you’ll meet at the party Friday night? Who knows what new guy will show up at your school?
    So whether you decide it’s time to break up with your boyfriend, or whether he’s made the decision for you, don’tdespair. There are infinite romantic possibilities awaiting you…and if you need any help, the Oracle of Dating is always here.
    I post the blog with a satisfied nod. I can’t believe I haven’t written more blogs about being single in the past. I’ve spent most of my postpubescent life single so I should know a lot about it. I’ll have to write more about the joys of singledom in the coming days. And if Jared surfs by the website, all the better—he’ll figure I’m happy without him.
    “You’ll have to free up your schedule next week,” Mom says at the dinner table as she’s twirling spaghetti around her fork.
    “Why?” All sorts of unpleasant possibilities run through my brain. Pie-making with the church ladies? Teen Bible study? Sunday-school nursery duty?
    “We have a French exchange student coming,” Mom says, too cheerful to be trusted.
    “Please tell me you’re
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