The Oracle Rebounds

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Book: The Oracle Rebounds Read Online Free PDF
Author: Allison van Diepen
heartbroken I am. I’d prefer to hang on to what pride I have left.
    I admit I’ve occasionally surfed by his Facebook page and his band’s MySpace page. I can’t help it, even though I know it’s totally unhealthy. What happens when I see that he’s chatting with a new girl? Or what if his band posts a new song called “Swinging Single” or something like that? There’s too much potential for more pain. So, in a moment of strength, I delete him as my Facebook friend. This way, I won’t be able to see his page and I can stop wasting my time.
    Another thing about breakups? They’re hard because your whole routine changes. Now, after almost six months of a relationship routine, I have huge gaps in my schedule.
    With all this time on my hands, I have to ask myself: what did I do with my spare time before I met Jared?
    The answer is simple: I used to focus more on being the Oracle of Dating and less on my own love life (or lack of it). When Jared and I got together, I became less focused on expanding my business and only did what was necessary to maintain it.
    While I was with Jared, I wrote a blog about every two weeks. Before we started dating, I wrote at least one blog a week, sometimes two or three.
    What’s up with that? Was I the type of girl to forget her ambition because of a boyfriend?
    Well, no more.
    I call Tracey, but get her voice mail, and then I remember that she’s at her belly dancing class. I decide to call the only one of my friends who knows that I’m the Oracle: Viv.
    I explain the situation to her, and she says, “Yeah, I noticed you weren’t blogging as much.”
    Great! I’ve been letting down my readers. “You should’ve said something.”
    “You seemed happy. And busy. I didn’t want to pressure you to blog more.”
    “I let my relationship with Jared sidetrack me. I always thought that I’d be able to quit working at Eddie’s by now and focus on the Oracle, but obviously I haven’t gotten my butt in gear. I’ve got to think of how to expand. I need a new business plan.”
    “Did you have an old business plan?”
    “No. Maybe that was the problem. A business should grow over time, shouldn’t it? I’m not making any more money than I did six months ago.”
    “That’s because you haven’t done anything to broaden your audience. If you want to expand, you have to put the word out. A few flyers at local schools and shopping malls isn’t enough.”
    “But I don’t have lots of money to do an advertising blitz.”
    “You do have some money, right? Try investing it in yourself. That’s what all entrepreneurs do.”
    I consider that. I have a few hundred in the bank, sincethe Oracle’s been in the black for a while. Maybe that money should be invested in advertising. But how can I be sure it’ll be worth it?
    “I could try buying some advertising space on a couple of teen websites if I can afford it.”
    “Good idea. Your business is on the web, so web advertising is your best bet.”
    “Okay. I’ll do some research on where would be best.”
    When we hang up, I surf some websites and contact a few to ask about advertising prices. I have no idea how much advertising costs, but I have the feeling I can’t afford most of the sites I’d like to advertise on.
    If it takes thousands of dollars in advertising to grow a business, then I don’t have a chance. It seems unfair that it takes money to make money.
    I’ve got it! What if I find some popular teen blogs and see if I can do a guest blog for them? That’s a way of putting the word out without paying anything. True, most teen bloggers don’t have an audience of thousands. But if I can find some who are read by, say, one or two hundred people, that could be useful. What have I got to lose?
    My thoughts are interrupted by an instant message.
    Cheerlead4ever: I need help, Oracle of Dating. I’m going nuts.
    Oracle: What is it, Cheerleader?
    Cheerlead4ever: I think my boyfriend is cheating.
    Oracle: What makes you
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