The Nightlife: Las Vegas (The Nightlife Series)

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Book: The Nightlife: Las Vegas (The Nightlife Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Travis Luedke
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    Aaron acted instantly, pursuing Michelle’s desire to be free
of the man.
    “You’ve had your fun, but she’s ready to leave now.  Let her
go!”  The last three words were spoken in a low rumbling growl.  The predator
skated very close to the edge of his mind.  Its aggression had begun to filter
    Ana flinched at the unmistakable ferocity emanating from him. 
He read her instinct to flee combatting with her desire to stay.  She’d been
involved in enough violence to develop an acute sensitivity to it.  He had her
by the arm, almost painfully tight in his grip.  Leaving was not an option.
    The brute let go of Michelle, setting her aside, but not in
submission to Aaron’s request.  He freed his hands to take action. 
    “I don’t take orders from bitches.  Better back the hell off
boy.”  He bunched up his knuckle-popping fists, stance wide and deep for
    Aaron didn’t budge.  “She goes with me now.”
    Aaron read his intent and stepped inside to intercept.  He
caught the meaty right-handed fist in mid-air with his left hand in a wicked
bear-trap grip.  The predator had slipped its chains and taken the driver’s
seat, putting immense preternatural strength at his disposal.
    Aaron’s grip brought the man to his knees.  He twisted
slightly and little snap-pop sounds tore a gasp of pain from the man’s lips. 
The brute’s imposing manner evaporated as the color drained away from his face
turning him a pale grey-white.  Intense agony radiated from the man’s thoughts.
    Aaron gave him the chance to walk away from the encounter. 
He growled, “Its time you leave.”
    He punctuated his order with another tweak of the man’s fist
eliciting a grunt of pain.  He felt the vice grip pressure the man suffered. 
Several bones were at the breaking point.  The man swallowed, sweat running
down his brow.  Pride be damned, he’d met his match, bested in a split second. 
A very emasculating experience.  Aaron read his acceptance in the nod of the
man’s head and the tenor of his thoughts. 
    Aaron stepped back, mercifully releasing his bone crushing grip. 
The brute staggered to his feet, favoring the hand.  He walked away, life and
limbs intact.  He’d barely escaped without serious damage, feeling humbled by
the encounter.
    * * * *
    “Holy shit!  That was intense.”  Ana looked at him in
wonder, developing a serious case of hero worship.
    He glanced down at her fiercely, and then seemed to remember
himself with a slight smile.
    “What the hell you got in there?”  She felt his left arm up,
squeezing his rock-solid biceps with both hands.  His arm felt like a wrap of
steel tendons.  She imagined pulling the skin back to find a machine
underneath, a Terminator.
    He smiled wider.  “These guns are loaded.”
    She busted up laughing.  “Seriously, you’re a hell of a lot
stronger than you look.”
    He leaned down to brush his wonderful lips up against her
ear with a whisper.  “I know.  Don’t tell anyone, it’s our little secret.”
    I’m definitely doing the right thing .  Her choice to
stay with him filled her with satisfaction.  All the other men before him were
imposters masquerading, he was the real deal.  She had a sense that she’d only
seen the tip of the iceberg.  He had much more going on beneath the surface.
    He looked down at her with a severe intensity.  “There’s no
going back after this.  You’re mine and I intend to keep you.”
    “Okay … But I don’t even know your name …”  Her words
trailed off as he leaned down to brush his beautiful warm lips over her neck.
    He whispered up against her ear, brushing her skin with tiny
electric tingles.  “Aaron.”
    And then he struck.  His teeth sunk into her neck, but it
was so much more.  He stabbed down deep into her very soul.  The feeling of his
claim over her was like nothing she’d ever known.  He took from her life
essence, but gave in return
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