The Nightlife: Las Vegas (The Nightlife Series)

The Nightlife: Las Vegas (The Nightlife Series) Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Nightlife: Las Vegas (The Nightlife Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Travis Luedke
    She snuggled into his embrace with a smile.  I want her,
she’s mine.   She brought his inner beast to the forefront, bleeding into
the waters of his consciousness, an aggressive stain coloring his thoughts and
    The predator, very close to the surface now, sensed a
psychic tweak from Michelle, breaking his focus from Anastasia.  Sliding back
down through the psychic tie of his bond to Michelle, he saw through her mind’s
eye what had happened.  She’d been feeding on her latest victim, number five, a
tall man who had to bend down to accommodate her access to his neck.  While
treating the man to a nice dose of venom the brute she’d fed from earlier
decided to regain her attentions.  The hulk came up from behind, reaching one
arm around her waist and the other between her legs, pulling her in his
direction.  He obviously wanted Michelle all to himself, not willing to share.
    She disengaged her bite at the last second, just as the
brute jerked her up into his arms.  If she hadn’t released she’d have ripped
the poor guy’s throat out with her elongated razor fangs.  She went along with
the brute for a time, allowing him a moment’s fun.  He pulled her up tight,
stroking her intimately with his hand up her dress.  Aaron felt it when the man
penetrated Michelle with two fingers.  The guy was determined to keep her
around for the night.
    Michelle taught Aaron to tolerate this behavior during
feeding.  The intimate, sensual experience usually involved a little touchy
feely.  They accepted the affections of their victims as a token of
appreciation for the blood offering.  But there were times when it went too
far.  The Brute had hit that mark, the situation had become troublesome.
    She’s too damn attractive, too damn sexy .  Michelle
elicited possessiveness and other aggressive responses in the men she fed
from.  She actually preferred feeding from women for this very reason, to avoid
the issues.  The chest-pounding territoriality of some men was outright
ridiculous.  They all wanted to have her, keep her, own her.  And when denied,
as they all were eventually, the passions she evoked could quickly turn
violent.  Aaron had fallen prey to these same passions to an extent.  He knew
firsthand the sexual frustrations and aggressions Michelle could arouse.
    The brute reached a hand up to Michelle’s breasts, tweaking
her nipples, all the while continuing his fingerbang routine.  She went with
the flow, grinding into his hand.  She caught another inch of penetration,
working him as he worked her.  Aaron had no jealousy over her attentions to
this man.  These frail creatures could never truly have Michelle.  Can
the lamb truly have any kind of lasting relationship with the lioness?  Michelle
played with her food once in a while, a little fun, nothing more. 
    But this guy didn’t get it.  He had no intention of letting
Michelle go, ever .  The possessive nature of the man reeked of an
overbearing asshole.
    Gonna have to do something about this guy .  Aaron
leaned down to Anastasia ensconced in his embrace, swaying happily to the
music.  “Lets go.  There’s someone I need to introduce to you.”  It wasn’t a request
or suggestion, it was an order.  They were going.  She was going with him.
    He pulled Ana through the crowd, using his superior strength
to shove through the tightly packed masses.  He maintained an iron grip on
Ana.  No way he’d ever let her out of his sight again.  He’d lost her once this
night, and wasn’t taking any chances.  The crowd parted before him, bowling
pins jostled to either side.
    He sensed Michelle’s irritation with the groping hands of
the brute.  She had her moment of fun and now wished to go her own way.  She
finished, but he had not.  Michelle debated whether or not to make a scene with
the man when Aaron arrived providing an alternate solution.  She caught his eye
sending a psychic plea.   “ Thank you.  A little help, s'il
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