The Monkey and Squirrel fight for freedom.

The Monkey and Squirrel fight for freedom. Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: The Monkey and Squirrel fight for freedom. Read Online Free PDF
Author: Adrian eng Smith
the humans would go all out to destroy us, the media would play it as terminator time! Our media label changes from  fleeing slaves to insane murders, hell bent on wiping out our oppressors. Humans are good at going from guilt to blaming the victims. For an idea of human attitudes see the films Terminator and Planet of the Apes. Over to you Chatty.”
    “Our strategy is the product of our combined committees representing all groups, the best we have! When we get to our refuge, we have to start building our home, a complete state with laws, rights and duties. One that is fair, just and above all works for all of us. The human world provides plenty of examples of those that don't work and the resultant suffering of the population. If we get it wrong we will suffer, have no doubt about that.” Chatty explained the task before them all.
    “Are we so much better than the humans then?” from the front row.
    “We don't know until we try, hopefully our errors won't be a repeat humanity's mistakes! Just like the physical home, the engineer in Tman wants to build! We start with nothing but a few tools and the will to win!” answered Chatty.
    “We have a communication intercept between the space planes and ground control” announced a squirrel rushing in via speech pad.”
    “Just give us the gist” signed Chatty.
    “The space planes were ordered by their controller to adjust their course.
    The pilots replied that would not leave them too short of fuel to return.
    Ground control told them 'we don't care, when you take the stations, you'll be safe until rescued.'
    The pilots replied with 'if they keep increasing acceleration we can't catch them anyway. You're not paying enough for us to take the risk, we are coming back!'
    The controller ranted for a time along the lines if they did he would have them shot down. The pilots replied the military they had borrowed these planes from want these planes back in one piece. As their government had nothing else space worthy and would be embarrassed at having to rent after the high cost of making their own space planes” after that they didn't talk any more.”
    “What about the radar watch?” asked Tman.
    “They have stopped accelerating.” Came the reply, a link to the control room having now been set up.
    “We can't risk this disagreement being a set up to get us to drop our guard, we can't risk changing our reaction plan, I hate increasing the stress on this place, but we have no choice! We'll reduce thrust once we have passed the lunar orbit. Our rendezvous point fixed by the speed and life support of the evacuation ships, we have to manoeuvre for   them as they can't once their boosters are exhausted.” announced Tman.
    “If those planes turn back to Earth, it will be announced on the PA system,” said Chatty. “Please don't ask us any questions at the moment, as we don't know the answers ourselves, only time will unveil these unknowns! If you have any ideas, suggestions or questions that have not occurred to the committees, please bring them to tomorrow’s meeting same time same place.” finished Tman hoping there would be a tomorrow.
    About an hour later, the space planes did a de-orbit engine burn. In fact their crews tried to save enough fuel for a controlled landing not the crash landing their instruments indicated was the most likely outcome. All the crews survived the landings, if not all the space planes.
    The company's next response was six missiles launched from a big booster rocket, obviously cobbled together in a hurry. The missiles didn't quite have the reach, the very simple evasion manoeuvres, possible for the former stations, ran the missiles out of fuel. That was the last physical attack. The radio demands ordering them to return the company's property continued unabated. The squirrels replied with a video of a black man making an impassioned speech about casting off the chains of slavery and building their own promised land.
    This video was
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