The Monkey and Squirrel fight for freedom.

The Monkey and Squirrel fight for freedom. Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Monkey and Squirrel fight for freedom. Read Online Free PDF
Author: Adrian eng Smith
picked up by independent receivers, then broadcast on TV and the net, eagerly taken up by discussion programs. The program themes being, could the enhanced animals be people and if they were people did that make them slaves? The arguments between those, for and against raged. The companies still involved (most had gone bankrupt) adopted the position, 'the malfunctioning work units were computer controlled biological machines'. Corporate lawyers using a circular argument that, the work units could not be slaves. Slavery was illegal before these technologies had been developed, so logic dictated those units could never at any point be thought of as slaves, as slavery was illegal at the time manufacture had been approved. The politicians took the hint and quietly tried to turn the focus of attention on the plight of the poor colonists. Religious groups debated whether or not, the self styled slaves had souls? Would they believe in the true God, which version of God that was depended on who was speaking.
    The Monkeys and Squirrels having meet their creators, found them disappointing, certainly unworthy of worship.
    China got to be smug about it as they had not used slaves in their space program. (They had all ways regarded the Monkeys and Squirrels as a waste of money). Now the Chinese were in an excellent position, only they could supply the colonies, in anything like the time to save them! The Chinese intended to really profit from it both politically as well as commercially.
    While humans entertained themselves with this, the ex-slaves finished reconfiguring the stations, meeting up with the evacuation ships, housing their people and stowing everything that might be useful before resuming acceleration. 
    “Tman you're looking happier than you have for a while.” commented Chatty.
    “We've now had the time and freedom during the transfer from our evacuation ships, to complete the urgent work of evenly spreading the load stresses over the whole structure. Now if we have to go to full thrust quickly things will flex not shatter, effectively making it a lot tougher if not much stronger Chatty.” explained Tman.
    “I don't understand the difference?” signed Chatty
    “Tough means it is like rubber, rather than like glass in this case.”
    “I now understand and know to ask you about anything technical.”
    “That is not technical, just basic knowledge! Anyway what news has Earth watch for us?” asked Tman.
    “It is all on the ship net.” signed Chatty.
    “I've had other things on my mind, humour me please.” signed Tman.
    “OK, well nothing but a lot of hot air and finger pointing in the public view. On the private channels there is a lot of frantic talk and trading. All in aide of getting a minimum space industry back up and running. To somehow cope with demand before the shortages hit the shops, then the global economy. To quote one statement 'bugger their civil rights, I would blow them all to hell just to make myself feel better! God what a mess!'
    It is safe to say we are not popular, but not regarded as priority.” reported Chatty.
    “Any sign that they suspect we are listening in?” asked Tman.
    “Apparently not even the most paranoid humans have thought we might.” answered Chatty.
    “I was a bit concerned when we posted that video on the web.”
    “That went out on the HR account, it has been blocked it now. Pity, we used to have a lot of fun with it.”
    “Good to know we can relax for a while! I'm having fun looking at our design options for our mobile habitats we are building.” exulted Tman.
    “You have a strange idea of fun!” signed Chatty.
    “What are you doing for fun? Sketching outlines for a society and its institutions, remember I know you're just as bad as me, dreaming about what is to come!” replied Tman.
    “OK I admit it, anything outstanding from your side of things?” asked Chatty.
    “The miners have some really cool ideas, in fact they started building two basic
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