The Mandie Collection

The Mandie Collection Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Mandie Collection Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lois Gladys Leppard
breathed sighs of relief as they entered their room and closed the door. They had the rest of the afternoon to get dressed for dinner.
    Mandie reached into the chifferobe and took out her red velvet dress while Celia chose her green one.
    Mandie turned back to the bed and saw Snowball waking up. He sat up and washed his face with his paws. “Snowball, you have to get off the bed,” Mandie told him, giving him a little shove and brushing off the bedspread. “You’re going to have white hairs all over the counterpane, and they’ll get on our dresses.”
    Reluctantly Snowball jumped down and sat on the rug.
    The girls spread their dresses on the bed and rummaged through the bureau drawers, looking for underwear, stockings, and jewelry.
    Mandie climbed onto a chair to reach the top of the chifferobe.
    â€œWhat are you doing up there?” Celia asked.
    Mandie pulled down two boxes and handed them to Celia. “We have to wear our good slippers with those dresses, don’t you think?”
    â€œYes, I suppose so, but it’s awfully cold outside to wear these flimsy things,” Celia replied, taking her slippers from one of the boxes.
    Mandie removed hers from the other box. “I know it’s cold outside, but we’re only going to be outside long enough to get to the boys’ school, and that’s not far away.”
    Celia sorted her jewelry on the bureau. “Do you know if April Snow is being allowed to go?” she asked.
    â€œI heard Miss Prudence tell Miss Hope this morning that she would be allowed to go because it’s Christmastime,” Mandie answered, laying out a fresh petticoat. “But she said that when school reopens after the holidays, April will still be restricted to her room except for meals and classes.” Mandie paused for a moment. “In a way I’m glad she is going,” she said slowly. “I’d hate for her to be left alone here in this big house while everyone else is having fun.”
    â€œBut, Mandie, she brought it on herself,” Celia reminded her.
    â€œI know, and I don’t know why she does all these things,” Mandie said with a sigh. “Anyhow, let’s get dressed.”
    The two girls primped and preened before the mirror, and when they had everything adjusted to their satisfaction, they grabbed their neatly wrapped gifts for Tommy and Robert, shut Snowball in the room, and hurried downstairs to join the other students in the parlor.
    A few moments later Miss Prudence entered the room, wearing her winter coat, gloves, scarf, and hat.
    â€œYoung ladies, we’re ready to embark on our journey,” the headmistress told the girls. “Please put on your coats and hats and line up in the hallway. Uncle Cal and Aunt Phoebe have our rigs in the driveway, and the rigs Mr. Chadwick sent are now approaching from the road.”
    The students quickly slipped into their winterwear and waited, chattering quietly among themselves.
    Miss Prudence cleared her throat. “Young ladies,” she addressed them again, “please be on your very best behavior tonight. Remember the school’s reputation, and remember that we will be guests at Mr. Chadwick’sschool.” Calling to Miss Hope at the front door, she said, “Sister, please open the door and let the girls start loading.”
    Mandie and Celia were among the first to leave, and they quickly took places in the rig Uncle Cal was driving.
    â€œOh, Mandie,” Celia whispered, “I’m so nervous I won’t be able to eat a thing.”
    â€œMe, too,” Mandie admitted. Looking up, she saw April Snow taking a seat in the back of the rig, and she nudged Celia. “April is in this rig,” she whispered.
    Mandie saw Celia try to look behind them without turning her head, but she couldn’t. And Miss Prudence was standing at the front with Uncle Cal, watching.
    â€œI hope Snowball is still in our room,” Celia
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