Resurrecting Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 13)

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Book: Resurrecting Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 13) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Julia Mills
Tags: greek gods, Dragons, Werewolves, shifters, phoenix
topic or holding a thought and was prone to tangents about anything and everything. Getting the details she wanted was challenging, but in the end, the mad dragon was incredibly useful. By the time he left they were fast friends.
    She learned that Rory’s older brother was the Leader of the Blue Dragons, just as his father had been before him. It broke her heart to learn of the death of their mother and sister and the toll it took on their father. It was surprising to learn that the middle O’Reilly brother belonged to another clan, but then again, after all they’d suffered she supposed it made sense. Everyone deals with grief in their own way. Claire had laughed until she cried when Maddox finally spoke of Rory.
    “The boy’s a damn fool, I tell ya’.” She couldn’t decide if it was his words or his thick brogue that tickled her so. Either way, the phoenix was captivated by the mad dragon’s tales of her mate.
    “The boy’s been a handful since the day he was born. Ronin, their daddy, used to swear Rory came out with a cheeky grin, a twinkle in his eye, and piss and vinegar running through his veins. There’s never a time he can’t, won’t, or hasn’t made a joke but don’t let that fool ya’; he’s sharp as a tack with a heart of gold. One of the best I’ve seen with a sword and a mind like a steel trap. You’ll think he’s not paying attention, messing around and acting a joker, but don’t be fooled. Our Rory doesn’t miss a thing. He’s warrior through and through just like his daddy before him and his before him.”
    The pride Claire could hear in Maddox’s voice made her smile. Rory sounded like the perfect mate. She knew her aunties wanted her to rush to find him, just as all the others before her had done, but the matriarch would not. She’d decided long ago it was not her way.
    Malick had already made his intentions known and she’d given her absolute no , so all that was left was to wait for Rory. She knew it could be years, but she had to know it was what he wanted, not something she had forced upon him. The Universe had chosen well for her and Claire believed Rory would come around when the time was right.
    The sounds of an approaching vehicle pulled the phoenix from her memories. Using her extraordinary senses, Claire sought the identity of the new member of their caravan, only to come up empty handed. Magic coated not only the vehicle but also its occupants. Thankfully, it felt like a simple Concealment Spell, but it still bristled her feathers. Why would anyone hide who they are?
    When they’re up to no good...
    Looking to the sky, she confirmed that Malick’s henchmen were still tracking her from behind dark clouds. She’d felt their presence the moment she’d left the security of her mountain but hadn’t worried much. She could take the underlings in a fight. Griffins were fierce in battle and would do anything to win, but over the years, they’d depended too heavily on their muscle and not enough on their brains. They were slow and stupid, all brawn, no brains. If they tried to take her by force, Claire would be ready. If all else failed, the dragons and their allies, the werepanthers, were both close behind. She’d just have to stall.
    Any other time, Claire would’ve waited for them to come and fetch her. It was the way of the phoenix and most definitely what her mother would’ve instructed her to do. But time was not a luxury her Rory had. The fear of losing him overrode everything else. When she touched his mind, she could feel the hellhound toxin racing to his heart, trying to take his life, and that was not something she was going to let happen. Time was of the essence if the phoenix wanted the future she so desperately longed for.
    Needing to think of something other than Rory laying helpless and in pain, Claire wondered about the alliance between the ancient warriors and the werepanthers. Dragons and cats were not naturally friends. At least from the little she
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