Scent of a White Rose
to revel in the kill.”
    Closing her eyes briefly, she composed herself.
“Christian, please know that I have yours, and everyone else’s best
interests at heart when I make my decisions. There is something
within Terrance’s mind that I have to explore before I can dispose
of him,” she replied calmly. “But once I get my answers, he will meet the true death.”
    I noticed Dax had been quieter than usual during
our little meeting, and now his head hung even lower with Evie’s
last words. Dax had petitioned Evie to change Terrance when he
found him back in the old world working as a blacksmith. There had
been an accident that had left Terrance's hands terribly burned.
With his livelihood ripped away, he had no way to support his
family. But if he were to die, his wife could remarry and gain the
stability she and their children needed. Dax had explained this
Evie, and so the two of them with their caring hearts, decided to
add Terrance to our clan, freeing both him and his family from a
terrible fate.
    “Terrance will remain chained in the pit until
further notice. No one is to talk to him unless I or Dax say so.”
She didn’t have to raise her voice or repeat herself, for the
command in her voice was enough to paralyze us all into doing
exactly what she wanted. Another benefit to being the Sire. When
the Sire gave a command, the rest of us had to obey. It was a skill
she didn't use very often.
    Evie headed towards the front of the club,
taking Bobby and Dominique with her. I assumed they were headed out
to gather the girl's body that was still in the woods and dispose
of her car. I walked over to Dax and placed my hand on his
shoulder. We’d been together for so long that I didn’t have to say
a word in order to express my sympathy, but I thought I’d better
apologize for sounding so “pro-death” when it came to Terrance.
“I’m sorry. I really wish he would drift back to himself so we
could stop this.”
    He looked at me with sadness in his eyes. “He’s
not going to. Since about six months ago, Terrance has had trouble
drifting back after he feeds. Evie and I noticed it and were
keeping an even closer eye on him than usual, but then this
happened," he said, gesturing to the front door. "Not only is he
terrorizing and killing his prey, but he has now lost all regard
for the rest of the clan’s safety. No...he’s not drifting
    “What happened that would cause him to change so
    “Not sure. But that’s what Evie’s gonna find
out.” With sadness in his eyes, Dax clapped me on the shoulder then
walked away.
    As I headed out to help Evie and the others, I
thought I heard Dax say something else, but I couldn’t quite make
it out. I thought he'd whispered, “Man I wish I knew how he was
keeping those thoughts from me.”
    Now I understood. Dax hadn’t been able to pull specific thoughts from Terrance. That was highly unusual and
now I could see why Evie wanted to question him further. And I
couldn’t wait to find out what she discovered.

* * * * *
    Business Unusual
    The following week went by fast enough. I didn’t
get into anymore trouble at school, and now every morning Dad made
sure I had a good breakfast so I wouldn’t get sick again. Yes, I
know...I made that bed, and now I was lying in it. I talked to
Jill and made sure she had retrieved her car with no problems,
which she had, and I was scheduled to stay with her again this
Friday night.
    That was the topic of our recent conversation.
She made sure to tell me that this Friday night was when she would
be collecting on the favor I owed her. Great! This didn't sound
    Friday night arrived, and as I waved goodbye to
my dad as he pulled out of Jill’s driveway, her hushed voice
drifted to my ear. “If I’m going to help you sneak out to see
Christian again, you are going to take me with you!”
    That wasn't what I had been expecting, but as I
couldn’t see any harm in it, I happily agreed.
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