The Mandie Collection

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Book: The Mandie Collection Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lois Gladys Leppard
trees in the backyard. When Andrew was asleep, she quietly slipped out the back door and found him there.
    â€œFranklin long moon away. We come, squaw and braves, to take Papoose. When moon rises three times we come here.”
    â€œThree days?” she asked.
    He nodded.
    â€œI will wait for you right here. Oh, I’m so—”
    At that instant the back door opened and Sarah was calling to her as she came out into the yard. “Amanda, are you out there?” Sarah came into view and stopped. “Why, Amanda, who are you talking to out there?” She screamed as she came closer. “An Indian!” She turned to flee back to the house. Uncle Ned ran quickly away.
    Mandie followed Sarah, running and calling, “It’s all right, Sarah.”
    Mrs. Bryson appeared in the doorway. “What is going on?”
    Sarah ran to her, clutching her long skirts. “An Indian! Amanda was talking to an Indian!”
    â€œWhat!” Mrs. Bryson was shocked.
    â€œIt’s all right. That was Uncle Ned. He was my daddy’s friend,” Mandie tried to explain.
    â€œYour daddy’s friend? An Indian?” Mrs. Bryson was white with fright as she turned back into the house.
    â€˜â€œMy daddy had lots of friends, all kinds,” Mandie added.
    â€œI never heard of Indian friends. What was he doing here?” The woman was furious now.
    â€œHe just keeps in touch with me. He promised my daddy he would,” Mandie tried to reassure her.
    â€œKeeps in touch with you?” Mrs. Bryson was still unsettled. “Now you listen here, young lady. Don’t you dare let that Indian come back here again. Why, I’ll have my husband shoot him! He’ll steal us blind!”
    â€œOh, no, Mrs. Bryson!” Mandie broke into tears.
    â€œWell, I’d better not catch him here again.” She was very determined.
    â€œYou won’t, Mrs. Bryson. I promise,” she told her, silently thanking God that Uncle Ned was not to return again until he came after her. Then she would slip out and the Brysons would not see him.
    The next three days dragged and it seemed as though the Brysons were meaner than usual to Mandie. They couldn’t stop warning her about the old Indian. She tried her best to be patient and made her plans for the night when she would leave.
    Andrew was more fretful than usual and she had a hard time getting him to go to sleep the night Uncle Ned was to return. She was almost sick with worry, fearing Uncle Ned would come with his friends and one of the Brysons would see them before she would be able to warn them.
    At last the baby grew quiet and Mandie hastily gathered up her few belongings and crammed them into the same flour sack she had brought from home. Bending to kiss the chubby cheek of the sleeping infant and to scoop up Snowball in her arms, she picked up her bag and slipped outside into the warm summer darkness.
    As soon as she had reached the shadows of the trees she saw Mr. Bryson come out the back door and settle down on the steps with his pipe. Her heart fluttered as she thought of the consequences should he catch the Indians there. She knew there was a pond nearby that was out of sight of the house and the Indians would probably pass it on their way. She hastened to the pond to intercept them.
    The water seemed black and dangerous in the darkness, but Mandie sat down on a fallen log nearby to wait. After walking around in circles before deciding to curl up and sleep, Snowball softly purred in her lap.
    Uncle Ned saw her first. He came quietly to stand at her side. “Papoose, why you wait here?” he asked.
    â€œOh, Uncle Ned! I was afraid the Brysons would see you. They threatened to shoot you if you came back!” She stood up, catching Snowball as he fell. “Did the others come? Are we ready to go to Franklin?”
    â€œYes, Papoose. Come,” he said and led the way back past the pond. There an old Indian squaw and two young
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