without any apparent change, but she said,
“I have perfect faith that God is doing His perfect work.” One day, it suddenly disappeared!
Her friends were amazed and said, “You had
better go to a doctor and see what happened.”
She replied, “I am perfectly well. God has
done His perfect work.”
Faith is simply knowing that God can do
it. Every unpleasant condition in your life is
the result of a lack of faith. A student dem-
onstrated several thousand dollars after years
of lack, but her fi rst act was prompted by fear instead of faith. “I bought a lot of shoes in case I should be without money again.” Her motive was wrong. Watch your own motives with
all diligence, for out of them are the issues of life. If her motive had been simply a desire for plenty of shoes, it would have been constructive. But it was really a preparation for loss, so she soon had lots of shoes but no money.
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Many people keep back their demonstra-
tions by fretting because of evildoers. Someone is mean; someone is unjust or cruel. Resentment is a violation of the law of love (good-
will) and is a barrier to your desires. “Trust in the Lord and do good” means to never doubt
the power of God. Trust Infi nite Intelligence
with the management of your affairs, never
interfere with doubts or worry, and let every
act be prompted by good motives.
Follow your intuitive leads and prepare for
the blessings you have asked for, regardless of adverse appearances. True prayer means preparation. For example, a lady wanted a radio,
made a place for it in the corner, and kept the spot dusted. If your demonstration lags, you
haven’t dusted it. The explorer and adventurer
in you will see you through. It is your Divine
Self, the superconscious, which knows no de-
feat or failure. With fearless faith, mountains 58
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are removed from your subconscious; there-
fore, they disappear in the external.
The lions on your pathway will be power-
less to harm you when you turn to the Uni-
versal Power for protection and send goodwill
to the lions. You can never receive what you
cannot see yourself receiving, for everything
comes through you, not to you. An athlete
said he was working on his broad jump; he
was lying there, seeing a win. A person with a
success consciousness is someone who doesn’t
know he is a failure, even when he fails. His
vision of success is strong—he is unmoved by
adverse conditions.
Keep yourself wound up. Activate faith.
Affi rm: I am wide-awake to my good. I never miss a trick.
We have often heard people say that cer-
tain things are bad for our health, but we have 60
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The House That Faith Built
never heard them say that certain things are
bad for wealth. Broken chairs, untidiness, dis-
order, etc., are bad for wealth, for they keep us in a poor vibration. A man told me he had put
his life in order by straightening out his desk.
He threw out old letters, pieces of twine, and
faded ink-fi lled blotters, and pigeonholed the papers he wanted and were important. Conditions on the external changed. A new world of
order and prosperity opened for him.
As you change in consciousness, all the
conditions about you change. Do not neglect
the day of small things, for little beginnings
have big endings.
“According to your faith
be it done unto you.”
— M A T T H E W 9 : 2 9
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“Every test is a process
of purification.”
Many people do not receive their heart’s
desire because they