attend to this. I let go.” She was visiting in a distant city and met a woman, seemingly quite by chance,
who asked her if she might carry out the en-
terprise. The Universe is eternal, reliable, and 68
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Do Not Let Your Heart’s Desire Become a Heart’s Disease unchangeable but must be given the “right
of way.”
Personal will keeps you out of your own
kingdom. For example, a friend came to me
saying she would be obliged to sell a piece of
jewelry in order to have ready cash. She did
not want to sell it and regretted that it was
necessary to do so. I said, “Why, this pin isn’t your pin—it is the Divine Spirit’s pin. We now
place it upon the altar. If it is Spirit’s will, you will sell it; if not, you will receive the money in some other way.” A few days later she telephoned and said, “I didn’t have to sell the pin!
I received an unexpected check that supplied
the money I needed.” She had applied this
wonderful law of renunciation, which is so
diffi cult for many people to understand.
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The desire of the heart can only be at-
tained through nonresistance. For example,
one of my students said that the man she
cared for was very cruel and indifferent. She
was looking forward to spending New Year’s
Eve with him, when he suddenly announced
that he had another engagement for the night.
She was shedding tears of anger and resent-
ment. I said, “You are completely demagne-
tized; therefore, you are pushing your good
away from you. When you see him, don’t be
angry and reproachful. Bless him and say that
you wish him a happy evening.” She did this,
much to his surprise. He couldn’t understand
her change in attitude. The following day he
called her on the telephone and asked if he
might spend New Year’s Eve with her. There
was nothing more said about his former plans.
At one of my meetings at the Unity Soci-
ety, I gave the following treatment to dissolve 70
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all anger and resentment: The light of Infinite Intelligence streams through your consciousness, dissolving and dissipating all anger and resentment. You are at peace with yourself and with the whole world. A woman told me, after the meeting, that she seems enveloped in a blaz-ing light, which swept all discord from her
consciousness, forever. She said, “When you
were speaking, I realized I had lost everything I ever loved through anger, but now I feel that I can never be angry again. It was a most wonderful experience.”
Many people think if they can control
their temper or not show anger, it is enough.
This is not the case. The vibration goes out
just the same. As long as you can be moved
inwardly, there will be discord in your life.
You must be cleansed to be free from anger
and the effects of anger. Don’t let appearances rock your boat. I had a patient who once said,
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“I should have been mad, but I wasn’t. I should have been afraid, but I wasn’t.” This showed
spiritual growth.
In your subconscious are the negative tid-
bits and beliefs impressed upon it from your
many life experiences. Thus, it must be re-
newed by flooding it with the perfect ideas
of the superconscious, your Divine Self. Love
and goodwill to all is the goal. I knew a man
who said, “Of course I love everybody, but
there are a lot of people I don’t like.” I replied,
“No, you still have some spots of ill will in
your consciousness; you will have to be sent
back to the cleaners.” Every test is a process of purification. When we are unmoved by them,
we won’t attract