The Magic Book series, book 1
Felicity scolded herself.
    “Wait a
minute,” interrupted Sophie, who had been flicking back through the
book, checking the rest of its pages, “there’s another poem.”


    “This penned
message will not last,
    Read with care
and read it fast!
    Your fairy
friends have fled in fear
    And dare not
wait to meet you here.
    Today at one,
they will wait for you,
    Amongst the
Great Oak’s boughs, hidden from view.
    Come with haste
but take great care,
    Watch out for
The Wicked One who may find you there.”
    As she’d read
it out, it was as if just the mere act of passing her eyes over the
words was enough to melt them back into the very page upon which
they had appeared, until it was left barren once more.
    “What’s the
time Sophie?”
    “10.30, so at
least we have a little while to think this through.”
    “The ‘Wicked
One’ mentioned in the poem - do you think it could be the same
horrid fairy that cast the spell, trapping our first fairy in the
book?” recollected Felicity.
    “I was thinking
the same thing,” Sophie agreed. “Our first fairy did say they were
in trouble. Maybe the other two have gone to help her.”
    “Who do you
think wrote the note?” asked Felicity.
    “Do you know, I
think the book did. And if the book left a message,” Sophie’s big
brown eyes grew even larger as an idea formed in her mind, “perhaps
we can ask it a question!”
    “What shall we
ask?” queried Felicity.
    “Erm, how about
asking which oak tree, as there are a number of them around the
school,” Sophie suggested.
    Felicity nodded
vigorously in agreement, her eyes glinting with excitement. “Book,
could you tell us which oak tree please?” Nothing happened
for a few long seconds. Then all of a sudden the pen shot out of
its home in the spine of the book and stood on end, hovering just
above the blank page.

    “Wow! Look at
that! It must want us to write something Sophie.” Felicity took the
pen and wrote the question out on the page. As soon as she had
written it the words disappeared, but others appeared in their
place which read:

    “Within the
playground opposite the door
    It has stood
300 years, but how many more?”
    And then these
words too, faded to nothing.
    Sophie picked
up the pen and scribbled another question. “Should we take anything
with us?”
    The answer came
and went as before…

    “Take me with
you, but keep me close.
    The Wicked One
wants me the most!
    My powers are
for good – in the right hands
    But he wishes
to rule ALL the lands.”
    “We will,”
Sophie responded out loud, and with that she quickly but carefully
stowed the book inside her blouse. “We’d better keep this with us
all the time from now on. This ‘Wicked One’ sounds desperate to get
it back, and that means he’ll be looking for us!” she added
Journey into

    The girls were
almost too excited and nervous to eat their lunch and kept glancing
at the time. At last the clock read 12.55.
    We’d better get
there a bit early,” said Felicity, putting her lunch box away, back
on the trolley.
    As they stepped
out of the door into the playground, there stood the oak tree
before them. It seemed obvious to them now which one the book
meant, as it was indeed ‘Great’ in stature, as it had
    The sun, which
had been bright all morning, was suddenly blocked out by dark
clouds beginning to cover the whole sky, driven in on an
increasingly brisk wind, whipping up dust and leaves and sending
last autumn’s acorns scudding along the ground. With each step they
took towards The Great Oak it grew darker, the wind stronger. All
the children in the playground quickly ran for cover, expecting
rain to follow imminently. The girls linked arms and leaned into
the wind, willing themselves forward. It was blowing so hard now it
was as if the wind itself was trying to stop them.
    Now, almost
there, they heard faint voices coming from up in the tree.
    “Come girls,
quickly –
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