you undoubtedly
know, ” Father
Benedetto continued, “ the Archivo Segreto houses carefully catalogued sketches and photographs of
excavations and restoration work carried out in the various catacombs in Rome
over the past century or so under the auspices of the Vatican. You may wish to have a look at them, in
fact, as your work progresses, since most have never been reproduced in
monographs or other research publications.
“ And of course, ” he added, now
gesturing towards another door, “ I've
arranged for each of you to receive a tessera , that is, a photo ID that
will give you access to the Archives even if I ’ m not there. ”
and Bruno followed him into a room of impressive dimensions, with exceptionally
large, mullioned windows on one side, framed by heavy velvet drapes that were
tied back with satin rope cording, offering an expansive view of the Vatican
gardens. The windowsills themselves
were deep and filled with a few choice horticultural specimens, evidently of a
variety that thrived in bright sunlight.
the Cardinal rose from his desk to greet them, he seemed to blanch momentarily
and put a hand on the back of his chair, as if to steady himself. But then, quickly recovering his
composure, he welcomed Nicola and Bruno cordially, thanking them for agreeing
to assist in the resolution of the catacomb dispute. He was a tall, thin man, with a sallow
complexion, an aquiline nose and high cheekbones, slightly stooped, but
physically imposing despite his age.
in a regal black cassock with red trim and a wide, tasseled red sash, he exuded
authority and a sense of quietly restrained vigor. A red skullcap or zucchetto covered
his thinning, slicked back hair, which was so dark as to arouse Nicola ’ s suspicions about
whether or not its color had come out of a bottle. She knew that he had to be at least in
his early 80 ’ s,
based on what Bruno had told her about his background, but somehow he seemed
much younger than that.
As he
shifted to move back towards his desk, motioning to them and Father Benedetto
to be seated, the sunlight suddenly streamed more intensely through the
windows, gleaming strangely on the large cabochon ruby at the center of his
gold pectoral cross. For a
moment, Nicola thought the sunlight changed his appearance, somehow making his
skin more transparent and his facial bone structure almost frighteningly
cadaverous. She shuddered
involuntarily, turning away from the dazzling reflection of light, and decided
that it was only her overactive imagination, fueled by nervous tension.
As he
sat down behind his carved mahogany desk, Rostoni regarded her and Bruno
intently with piercing dark eyes. “ Professoressa Page,
Professore Recanati, ” he
finally began, “ please
make yourselves comfortable. I ’ d like to lay out our
expectations here at the Vatican before you begin your work. ”
shifted uneasily in her seat, and Bruno nudged her elbow surreptitiously.
“ First of all, we do not
expect you to hold to a specific timetable for completion of your assessment,
though we do expect a formal, well-documented report at the end of your examination
of all the relevant data. And
obviously, ” he
said with a note of barely concealed aversion, “ you'll need to submit a copy of your report to the
Marchesa's attorneys as well. ”
“ Of course, Your
Eminence, ” Bruno
answered for both of them, as Nicola nodded in assent.
“ As you know, ” Rostoni continued, “ the authority of the
Holy See and its . . . how shall we say? . . . responsibilities for the
new catacomb at the Vigna Randanini have been challenged. This has led to some legal
entanglements, ” he
said euphemistically, “ though
at the moment it is unclear just who has the authority to decide the issue — the Italian court
system or that of Holy Mother Church. We at the Commission for Sacred Archaeology are prepared to recognize
only the