The Light of His Sword
the diner, Gabe pulled out a small pocketknife. He drove the knife
deep into the two right tires. Turning back toward the diner Gabe
met Walton’s glare as he stood staring out the window. Walton’s
breath came in gasps as his rage swelled. He shot daggers at the
unknown hero but made no move toward him. Gabe climbed into his
truck and headed down the road after Alyssa.
    “Find out who he is and kill him.” Walton
barked to Maxwell as he headed for the door.

    Samantha clung to Alyssa with an iron grip,
unwilling to release her as they rushed furiously down the highway.
Alyssa forced herself to drive faster and faster, terrified the
elders would overcome Gabe and find them again. How could this
happen? How could they have found her? Her mind raced. She gasped
as she realized she was still on the same highway that led out of
town. She couldn’t have been any easier to find. She had to get off
this road and fast!
    Alyssa wrapped her arm around Samantha and
pulled her close saying, “Its okay honey, mommy won’t let Walton
and the bad men get close to us again. Everything is going to be
    Samantha gazed up at her through tear-filled
eyes and said, “Gabe saved us, do you think he’s okay? Is he a good
    “I think so, sweetie.” Alyssa whispered
softly. She hoped there were more kind men like Gabe in the
    Suddenly, Alyssa’s car began to sputter and
jerk. She glanced down at the gas gauge thinking she’d forgotten to
fill the tank, but it was full. The car began to slow, and the
sputtering became worse. Alyssa’s heart leapt to her throat as she
pulled onto the shoulder and stopped.
    Her breathing came in gasps as she fought to
control her fear. She glanced in the rearview mirror. No one was
behind them. Alyssa sat there staring at the steering wheel
desperately willing the car to move forward. She looked down into
Samantha’s big eyes and smiled weakly. They couldn’t just sit there
and wait for the elders.
    “I guess we are going for a walk.” She said
as cheerfully as she could muster.
    The air was cool, but the bright sunshine
kept them warm. They walked along the side of the two-lane highway.
Alyssa tried not to glance behind them too often in fear of
frightening Samantha. She had no idea how much money the credit
card held. Would she be able to purchase another car? Her parents
brought her to the compound on a bus. She recalled changing buses
in a large city before they arrived at the compound. Perhaps the
card held enough money for a bus or train. How would she find them?
Panic welled up inside her. Why hadn’t she been more prepared? Why
hadn’t she thought to ask her grandmother to send her information
on trains and buses? Why hadn’t they thought of a backup plan
should something go wrong?
    “Ouch! Mommy!” Samantha moaned, pulling on
her mother’s hand. “You’re squeezing my hand too hard.”
    Alyssa released the strong grip on her
daughter’s hand, not realizing her panic extended into her fingers.
“I’m sorry sweetie.”
    A low hum came from behind them, and they
turned to find a semi-truck coming down the highway toward them.
Alyssa’s heart leapt when she recognized it was Gabe’s. He slowed
when he saw them and pulled onto the shoulder just head of them.
They rushed to the passenger door as he swung it open.
    “Car trouble?” He asked with a knowing
smile, “I noticed after you left that you were leaking oil. Did it
freeze up on you?”
    “I’m not sure; it jerked and sputtered, then
died.” Alyssa said breathlessly, his blue eyes still made her heart
    “Well, climb on up,” Gabe slid back into the
driver’s seat. “I’ve got a bench seat in the back for Samantha. We
can talk about your options while we drive.”
    Relief washed over Alyssa as they climbed
into the truck and started down the highway. She glanced back into
the sleeping compartment as Samantha bounced up and down on the tan
bench that also served as a bed. The truck smelled
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