The Light of His Sword
like fresh pine.
Alyssa looked at the gauges on the dash and found a green pine tree
shaped piece of cardboard hanging from a knob on the console.
    Alyssa smiled and turned to Gabe saying,
“You seem to have the knack of always being in the right place at
the right time.”
    Gabe grinned, concentrating on the road and
answered, “Basically it’s because there’s only one main highway
heading east to Nebraska from this area, and we’re on it. I’m on my
way to Cleveland via Denver and St Louis. Where are you
    Alyssa hesitated, should she share that
information with him? She chastised herself for being paranoid and
said, “Indiana, to my grandmother’s farm just outside of Muncie,
near a small town called Bryant.”
    “South of Fort Wayne,” Gabe answered, “I
know it well.”
    Alyssa gazed at his perfect skin, broad
shoulders, and wavy hair. He truly was the most handsome man she
had ever seen. She said, “I want to thank you for helping us. I
don’t know what we would have done if you hadn’t been there.”
    “I did what any man would have done, given
the situation. A young lady and her child being harassed by three
men is not something people in these parts will tolerate. Besides,
if you had put up enough fuss and kept resisting, they would have
called the Sheriff.”
    “That’s good to know,” Alyssa offered unsure
of how to answer his modest response.
    “Do you mind if I ask what your situation
is?” Gabe glanced at her.
    “I left our... home to avoid abusive
behavior.” She stammered.
    “I understand,” He answered softly. “Your
husband has a wicked temper.”
    “He’s not my husband,” She answered quickly,
and with more venom than she intended.
    “And Samantha?” He asked.
    “She is his child, but not by my choice.”
Alyssa answered gazing out the window beside her.
    Gabe whispered softly. “I’m so sorry.”
    Alyssa said softly, “Rape is an everyday
occurrence where I come from. I had to get Samantha out before it
became part of her life. The compound is not safe for children.
Walton is a cruel, heartless leader. He allows terrible things to
happen there. I will never go back, and I will never allow him to
take Samantha. When I get to my grandmother’s, I’m calling the
police and telling them everything.”
    Gabe’s jaw clenched as she spoke, but his
voice remained calm, “You’re very brave. What will you do now?”
    “My grandmother sent directions to her farm.
I’ll have to find another car.” Alyssa answered with
    Gabe’s expression softened, “How are you
going to do that?”
    Alyssa stared at him in silence. She glanced
at Samantha then back to Gabe. “I don’t know.”
    Gabe tried not to smile at her naivete,
“Alyssa; you have no idea what the world outside the compound is
like. If you continue to travel alone, the odds are high that
Walton will find you. You’re running blind with no real idea of
where you’re going or how to get there. I think it’s best if you
girls ride with me to Indiana. I’m headed that way.” He shot her a
quick glance. “That bench converts into a bed. My seat reclines so
you two can have the sleeping compartment all to yourselves.”
    Alyssa turned to stare out the window.
    He continued, “If you don’t mind the side
trip to Denver. I can get you to your grandmothers in a few
    Her eyes narrowed in suspicion. She didn’t
dare look at him in fear she would see the same wicked desire in
his eyes Walton always showed.
    Gabe looked back at the road before him and
added, “I’m not asking for anything in return. You don’t owe me a
thing. I’m just trying to help you and your little girl. I don’t
want to see Samantha end up in Walton’s hands any more than you do.
That’s no way for a child to grow up.”
    Samantha stuck her head in between their
seats and said, “I like this truck; there’s a kitchen back here and
I like Gabe, let’s go with him.”
    Alyssa tried to smile as she turned
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