La-ura. She's so yo-ung and so in lo-ve with you. She de-ser-ves bet-ter. What's wrong with you, Jamie? Don't you ha-ve any idea how lucky you are? You ha-ve gran-d-pa-rents who ado-re you, all the mo-ney you co-uld ever ne-ed, and a wo-man who is de-vo-ted to you."
"Laura's not the wo-man I want." He lo-oked right at Erin, and for a split se-cond she tho-ught she saw ge-nu-ine emo-ti-on in his ha-zel eyes. Sad-ness? Reg-ret? 'Then why marry her? If she's not-"
"It's Jaz-zy," Jamie sa-id. "It's al-ways be-en Jaz-zy. It al-ways will be." 'Then bre-ak off yo-ur en-ga-ge-ment to La-ura and marry Jaz-zy."
Jamie la-ug-hed, the so-und hol-low and emo-ti-on-less. "You're a go-od one to talk. You're my gran-d-fat-her's mis-t-ress. You know he'll ne-ver di-vor-ce Big Ma-ma, yet you hang on to him an-y-way. Why don't you de-mand that he le-ave his wi-fe and marry you?"
His ac-cu-sa-ti-on hit a ner-ve. Erin win-ced. "You're free. Jaz-zy's free. The-re's not-hing to stop y'all from-"
"Big Ma-ma wo-uld di-sown me if I mar-ri-ed Jaz-zy. I'd ha-ve not-hing. Not a di-me to my na-me.
I'd ha-ve to gi-ve up a for-tu-ne. I'm not wil-ling to do that."
"Then you don't lo-ve Jaz-zy as much as you pro-fess to lo-ve her."
"What do you know abo-ut it? I lo-ve her. I've lo-ved her sin-ce we we-re te-ena-gers. And just be-ca-use Big Ma-ma is for-cing me to marry La-ura do-esn't me-an I'm gi-ving up Jaz-zy."
"Did you spend the night with Jaz-zy?"
"I went by to see her."
"And she tur-ned you away."
"You're wrong. She didn't…" With his mug sur-ro-un-ded by both hands, Jamie le-aned for-ward and held it bet-we-en his spre-ad thighs. He glan-ced at Erin. "She didn't let me stay, so I fo-und a mo-re wil-ling lady, who shall re-ma-in na-me-less. Af-ter all, I don't kiss and tell. You might want to re-mem-ber that for fu-tu-re re-fe-ren-ce."
"I don't think so."
Erin sip-ped on her cof-fee, fi-nis-hing it off qu-ickly. Why was Jamie re-al-ly he-re? Why was he using her as a so-un-ding bo-ard? As his mot-her con-fes-sor? It wasn't as if they we-re fri-ends. She didn't even li-ke him, and she wo-uldn't gi-ve him the ti-me of day if he wasn't Jim's gran-d-son. Un-less Generated by ABC Amber LIT Conv erter,
he was a com-p-le-te fo-ol-which he wasn't-he had to know that she'd ne-ver ha-ve sex with him. Even if she wasn't in lo-ve with Big Jim, she wo-uldn't be crazy eno-ugh to be-co-me in-vol-ved with Jamie.
Any way you lo-oked at it, he was bad news.
Jamie pla-ced his cup on a co-as-ter atop the coc-k-ta-il tab-le, then sto-od and went stra-ight to Erin. Be-fo-re she re-ali-zed his in-tent, he drop-ped to his kne-es in front of her, grab-bed her by the back of her neck and ha-uled her for-ward, just far eno-ugh to kiss her. He to-ok her mo-uth de-man-dingly. For a mil-li-se-cond she fro-ze, shoc-ked by the unex-pec-ted as-sa-ult Then to-tal awa-re-ness hit her. Her empty mug slip-ped out of her hand and hit the wo-oden flo-or with a splin-te-ring crash. She slip-ped her hand bet-we-en the-ir bo-di-es and ga-ve him a hard sho-ve. He re-eled bac-k-ward and fell flat on his butt.
He lo-oked up at her and grin-ned. "Now tell me that wasn't bet-ter than what you get from the old man."
"Your gran-d-fat-her is twi-ce the man you are-in every way. Now, get yo-ur sorry ass up off my flo-or and le-ave. I don't know what sort of ga-me you're pla-ying with me this mor-ning, but I'm not in-te-res-ted. If I tho-ught for one mi-nu-te that I co-uld help you… for Jim's sa-ke, I wo-uld. But I think you're be-yond help."
Jamie jum-ped to his fe-et li-ke a jack-in-the-box. "Walk me to the do-or, dar-lin'."
"You know the way out."
"How abo-ut a go-od-bye kiss?"
"How abo-ut get-ting the hell out of my sight?"
"Now, swe-et thing, don't be that way."
"Leave. Now!"
He win-ked at her, then sa-un-te-red out of the li-ving ro-om. She fol-lo-wed him and sto-od se-ve-ral fe-et away as he ope-ned the front do-or. Be-fo-re he
Carol Durand, Summer Prescott
Stella Price, Audra Price, S.A. Price, Audra