The Kiss

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Book: The Kiss Read Online Free PDF
Author: Emma Shortt
the power to
subdue the curls. Brushes died in Eva’s hair, it was not unknown, after a
really excruciating brushing session, for her to find wayward bristles days
later. It was no good cutting it either, it just stood out from her head in all
directions, a gift from her Mediterranean ancestors who knew how many
generations back. The only solution was to keep it long and tie it up.
    She stepped a little closer to the mirror, and wished she hadn’t
gained so much weight. She knew that a lot of women hankered after the hungry
eighteen year old look but not her. Eva liked hips and boobs and an ass—she
looked good with them, now though she wondered if she had too much. Her breasts
looked huge outlined against the thin fabric of her jumper and she could only
imagine what the tailored shirts in the wardrobe would do to them.
    Her stomach was still relatively flat but her hips flared
outwards alarmingly. Talk about hour glass. The tiny skirt was going to
emphasis all of that and Eva sighed at the thought.
    Feeling a bit dispirited she moved away from the mirror to
explore the rest of the room. The fireplace looked as though it actually worked
and she shivered in delight at the idea of having an actual fire. Her room at
home had only one tiny heater and she’d spent the last few months—once winter
set in—wrapped in numerous blankets to ward off the chill.
    She noticed another door next to the bay window; it opened into
another room and Eva’s eyes widened. After a moment of looking around she was
absolutely certain that there definitely had been a mistake in her
bedroom allotment.
    A huge circular bath dominated the room, a pile of the plushest
towels ever sat next to it and a basket filled with lotions and creams sat next
to them. Eva picked a bottle up, recognized the brand and shook her head
    Expensive, everything was expensive.
    She was unsure what to do and wondered if Finn had got confused,
surely he couldn’t have mistaken her for a guest? He did seem a bit… simple? Decision made Eva picked up her bag and placed it on the dresser. She wouldn’t
unpack, she’d leave everything exactly as it was and then when the mistake was
realized she could move to her actual room without any fuss.
    The window drew her and Eva pulled back the flowing muslin to
look outside. Her breath caught and she couldn’t help but gasp in delight. The
room overlooked the driveway and directly below... the fountain.
    Her statue was facing away but she could see from this angle that
the alabaster cloth hid only his front. Sculptured shoulders, spectacular
buttocks and long muscular legs greeted her gaze. She smiled and made to grab
her sketch pad... no, she shook her head, she would wait until she could see
him up close, until she could capture him as he should be captured.
    She pressed her face closer to the window and could see in the
distance the statues of the embracing men and the voluptuous women, they too
were ripe for drawing. The view went on forever, bare trees and frozen fields,
it was a view many would flash the cash for.
    Another car turned on to the lane and Eva hastily moved away from
the window. A guest or a worker, she didn’t know. Either way she didn’t want
them to see her gawking out of what must surely be one of the best rooms.
    She looked around again not really sure what to do, unwilling to
make a mess of anything. Her stomach gurgled at the exact moment she spotted
the basket of fruit and chocolates on the bedside table. Eva was damn hungry
and nothing had been said about dinner. Carefully she took out a chocolate bar
and rearranged the basket so it wouldn’t be obvious, sat down on the very, very
edge of the bed and took a bite. The chocolate was wonderful and she was
strongly tempted to grab another.
    I’ll ask Grace, she’ll know what the hell is going on .
When she got moved to her actual room she would unpack and settle in. In the
meantime... Eva eyed the goodie basket again...
    Four months in the
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