The Jewish Annotated New Testament

The Jewish Annotated New Testament Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Jewish Annotated New Testament Read Online Free PDF
Author: Amy-Jill Levine
Philo, Leg. Gai .
Philo, On the Embassy to Gaius
Philo, Life of Moses
Philo, On the Life of Moses 1, 2
Philo, Migr .
Philo, On the Migration of Abraham
Philo, Names
Philo, On the Change of Names
Philo, On the Creation
Philo, On the Creation of the World
Philo, Planting
Philo, On Planting
Philo, Posterity
Philo, Posterity and Exile of Cain
Philo, Prelim. Studies
Philo, On Mating with the Preliminary Studies
Philo, Providence
On Providence 1, 2
Philo, QG
Philo, Questions and Answers on Genesis
Philo, Rewards
Philo, On Rewards and Punishments
Philo, Sacr .
Philo, On the Sacrifices of Cain and Abel
Philo, Spec. Laws
Philo, On the Special Laws
Philo, Virtues
Philo, On the Virtues
Philo, Worse
Philo, That the Worse Attacks the Better
Pirqe R. El .
Pirqe Rabbi Eliezer
Plato, Apol .
Plato, Apology of Socrates
Plato, Leg .
Plato, Laws
Plato, Resp .
Plato, Republic
Plato, Tim .
Plato, Timaeus
Pliny, Nat .
Pliny the Elder, Natural History
Plutarch, Alc .
Plutarch, Alcibiades
Plutarch, Cic .
Plutarch, Life of Cicero
Plutarch, Is. Os .
Plutarch, De Iside et Osiride
Plutarch, Mor .
Plutarch, Moralia
Plutarch, Pyth. orac .
Plutarch, On the Pythian Responses
Plutarch, Quaest. conv .
Plutarch, Quaestionum convivialum libri IX
Plutarch, Quaest. rom .
Plutarch, Quaestiones romanae et graecae
Plutarch, Superst .
Plutarch, De superstition
Polycarp, Phil .
Polycarp, To the Philippians
Pr. Azar .
Prayer of Azariah
Pr. Jos .
Prayer of Joseph
Pseudo-Phocylides, Sent .
Pseudo-Phocylides, Sentences
Pss. Sol .
Psalms of Solomon
Qidd .
Talmudic Tractate Qiddushin (“betrothals”)
Rab .
Rabbah (comments on scripture)
Revised Standard Version
Sanh .
Talmudic Tractate Sanhedrin (“the Sanhedrin”)
Seb .
Talmudic Tractate Shebiit (“seventh year”)
Sebu .
Talmudic Tractate Shebuot (“oaths”)
Seder Olam Rab .
Seder Olam Rabbah
Sem .
Semahot (“mourning,” rabbinic tractate of regulations for death and dying)
Seneca, Ep .
Seneca, Epistulae morales
Seqal .
Talmudic Tractate Sheqalim (“shekel tax”)
Shabb .
Talmudic Tractate Shabbat (“Sabbath”)
Shir. Rab .
Shir ha-Shirim Rabbah (Midrash Hazita)
Sib. Or .
Sibylline Oracles
Sot .
Talmudic Tractate Sotah (“adulteress”)
Strabo, Geogr .
Strabo, Geography
Suetonius, Aug .
Suetonius, Augustus Caesar
Suetonius, Claud .
Suetonius, Divus Claudius
Suetonius, Vesp .
Suetonius, Life of Vespasian
Sukk .
Talmudic Tractate Sukkah (“Tabernacles/Booths”)
t .
Tractates of the Tosefta
T .
T. 12 Patr .
Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs
T. Abr .
Testament of Abraham
T. Ash .
Testament of Asher
T. Benj .
Testament of Benjamin
T. Dan
Testament of Dan
T. Gad
Testament of Gad
T. Iss .
Testament of Issachar
T. Job
Testament of Job
T. Jud .
Testament of Judah
T. Levi
Testament of Levi
T. Levi ar
Aramaic Testament of Levi
T. Moses
Testament of Moses
T. Naph .
Testament of Naphtali
T. Reuben
Testament of Reuben
T. Sim .
Testament of Simeon
T. Sol .
Testament of Solomon
T. Zeb .
Testament of Zebulun
Ta’an .
Talmudic Tractate Ta’anit (“fasts”)
Tacitus, Ann .
Tacitus, Annales
Tacitus, Germ .
Tacitus, Germania
Tacitus, Hist .
Tacitus, Historiae
Tanh .
Tanhuma (a rabbi whose interpretations are in the Midr. Tanh.)
Tanh. Vay .
Tanhuma Vayetzei
Tehar .
Talmudic Tractate Teharot (“cleannesses”)
Ter .
Talmudic Tractate Terumot (“heave offerings”)
Tertullian, Apol .
Tertullian, Apology
Tertullian, Exh. cast .
Tertullian, Exhortation to Chastity
Tertullian, Marc .
Tertullian, Against Marcion
Tertullian, Prax .
Tertullian, Against Praxeas
Tertullian, Pud .
Tertullian, Modesty
Tertullian, Scorp .
Tertullian, Antidote for the Scorpion’s Sting
Tertullian, Spect .
Tertullian, The Shows
Targum (Aramaic translations of the Bible)
Tg . Cant .
Targum to Canticles
Tg. Neb .
Targum of the Prophets/Targum Jonathan
Tg. Neof .
Targum Neofiti
Tg. Onq .
Targum Onqelos
Tg. Ps.-J .
Targum Pseudo-Jonathan
Thucydides, Hist .
Thucydides, History
v., vv.
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