The Jewish Annotated New Testament

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Book: The Jewish Annotated New Testament Read Online Free PDF
Author: Amy-Jill Levine
et cetera, and so forth
Euripides, Bacch .
Euripides, Bacchae (Bacchanals)
Eusebius, Hist. eccl .
Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History
and following
floruit, flourished
Gaius, Inst .
Gaius, Institutiones
Git .
Talmudic Tractate Gittin (“bills of divorce”)
Greek (language)
Gk. Apoc. Ezra
Greek Apocalypse of Ezra
Gos. Nic .
Gospel of Nicodemus
Gos. Pet .
Gospel of Peter
Gos. Thom .
Gospel of Thomas
Hag .
Talmudic Tractate Ḥ agigah (“festal offering”)
Hebrew Bible
Hebrew (language)
Herm. Vis .
Shepherd of Hermas, Vision
Homer, Od .
Homer, Odyssey
Hor .
Talmudic Tractate Horayot (“instructions”)
Horace, Sat .
Horace, Satires
Hul .
Talmudic Tractate Hullin (“animals killed for food”)
id est, that is
ibidem, in the same place
Ignatius, Eph .
Ignatius, Letter to the Ephesians
Ignatius, Magn .
Ignatius, Letter to the Magnesians
Ignatius, Philad .
Ignatius, Letter to the Philadelphians
Ignatius, Pol .
Ignatius, Letter to Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna
Irenaeus, Adv. Haer .
Irenaeus, Against Heresies
J. Chrys., Hom. 2 Thess .
John Chrysostom, Homiliae in epistulam ii ad Thessalonicenses
Jewish Inscriptions of Graeco-Roman Egypt . Ed. Horbury and Noy
Jos. Asen .
Joseph and Aseneth
Josephus, Ag. Ap .
Josephus, Against Apion
Josephus, J.W .
Josephus, Jewish War
Josephus, Life
Josephus, The Life
Jub .
Justin, Dial .
Justin Martyr, Dialogue with Trypho
Justin, Apol .
Justin Martyr, 1 or 2 Apology
Ker .
Talmudic Tractate Kerithot (“extirpation”)
Ketub .
Talmudic Tractate Ketubbot (“marriage deeds”)
Kil .
Talmudic Tractate Kilaim (“diverse kinds”)
King James Version (1611)
L.A.B .
Pseudo-Philo (Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum)
L.A.E .
Life of Adam and Eve
Latin (language)
m .
Tractates of the Mishnah
Ma‘as .
Talmudic Tractate Ma‘aserot (“tithes”)
Ma‘as. S .
Talmudic Tractate Ma‘aser Sheni (“second tithe”)
Makk .
Talmudic Tractate Makkot (“stripes”)
Maks .
Talmudic Tractate Makshirin (“predisposers”)
Mart. Isa .
Martyrdom of Isaiah
Mart. Pol .
Martyrdom of Polycarp
Me‘il .
Talmudic Tractate Me‘ilah (“sacrilege”)
Meg .
Talmudic Tractate Megillah (“scroll” [of Esther])
Meg. Ta’an .
Megillat Ta’anit (list of holy days)
Mek .
Mekhilta (commentary on Exodus)
Men .
Talmudic Tractate Menahot (“meal offerings”)
Midd .
Talmudic Tractate Middot (“measurements”)
Midr .
Midrash (an interpretation of a text)
Midr . Min.
Midrash Minayin
Midr. Mishle
Midrash Mishle (Proverbs)
Midr. Tann .
Midrash Tannaim
Mo’ed Qat .
Talmudic Tractate Mo’ed Qatan (“mid-festival days”)
Ms, Mss
manuscript, manuscripts
Masoretic Text
n., nn.
annotation, annotations
Naz .
Talmudic Tractate Nazir (“Nazirites”)
Ned .
Talmudic Tractate Nedarim (“vows”)
Nidd .
Talmudic Tractate Niddah (“the menstruant”)
New Jewish Publication Society (Tanakh translation)
New Revised Standard Version
New Testament
Odes Sol .
Odes of Solomon
Origen, Cels .
Origen, Against Celsus
Origen, Hom. Ps .
Origen, Homiliae in Psalmos
Ovid, Ars
Ovid, Ars amatoria
Ovid, Metam .
Ovid, Metamorphoses
p., pp.
page, pages
Pausanias, Descr .
Pausanias, Description of Greece
Pesah .
Talmudic Tractate Pe saḥ im (“Passover”)
Pesiq. Rab .
Pesikta Rabbati
Pesiq. Rav Kah .
Pesikta de-Rav Kahana
Philo, Abr .
Philo, On the Life of Abraham
Philo, Cher .
Philo, On the Cherubim
Philo, Confusion
Philo, On the Confusion of Tongues
Philo, Cont. Life
Philo, On the Contemplative Life
Philo, Decalogue
Philo, On the Decalogue
Philo, Dreams
Philo, On Dreams 1, 2
Philo, Drunkenness
Philo, On Drunkenness
Philo, Flaccus
Philo, Against Flaccus
Philo, Giants
Philo, On Giants
Philo, Good Person
Philo, That Every Good Person Is Free
Philo, Heir
Philo, Who Is the Heir of Divine Things?
Philo, Hypoth .
Philo, Hypothetica
Philo, Joseph
Philo, On the Life of Joseph
Philo, Leg. all .
Philo, Allegorical
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