The Ivy: Secrets

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Book: The Ivy: Secrets Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lauren Kunze
    “Whatever. You’re better off without her. Anyway, we’re still on for lunch tomorrow before economics, right?”
    “Yep.” Callie smiled. Then she groaned. “I can’t believe there are only two more classes left until reading period and then we have to take . . . the exam . I’m so behind, I’m probably going to fail!”
    Matt chuckled. “Stop exaggerating. I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
    “I am not exaggerating!” she cried, throwing a pillow at his head. “I got an e-mail from our teaching fellow over the break warning me that I’m in danger of getting a . . .” Her eyes grew wide. Why did it seem like every e-mail she received these days—from Lexi, her econ TF, and now Anne and Student Receivables—was one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse?
    “Getting a . . . ?”
    “A C ,” she whispered.
    “Oh no!” He gasped, his hands flying to his cheeks in mock horror. “The end of the world—it’s here!”
    “It is!” She moaned. “I’ve never even gotten a B before. It’s going to kill my dad and he will die of a broken heart or a heart attack and it’ll be all my fault—”
    She stopped talking when Matt began to laugh. “It’s not that bad,” he said.
    She narrowed her eyes. “I’m sure you’re not getting a C.”
    “Well, no, but . . . Hey, I could tutor you—if you want.”
    “That would be amazing!” she cried. Jumping out of bed, she hugged him again.
    Averting his eyes from her bare legs, Matt cleared his throat and said, “I also came over to tell you the news: I just found out that I made it past the second round of Crimson COMP!”
    “You did?” She yelped. Matt was COMPing the Harvard Crimson , the university’s daily newspaper and parent organization of Fifteen Minutes magazine. “Do you think FM results are—I mean, uh, congratulations!”
    “Thanks.” Matt smiled. “And I bet FM probably will return your portfolios now if they haven’t already. In fact, I think I saw a manila envelope in your drop box on my way in—”
    “What?” Callie shrieked, running past him. She flew across the common room and flung open the front door.
    A manila envelope was sitting in the box. Her pulse was racing. C ALLIE A NDREWS was written across the front in big black lettering.
    She grabbed the envelope and slipped back inside. Matt was staring at her from across the room. “Well . . . ?” he asked.
    She looked at him and then down at the envelope. Her heart slowed to a steady thrum , accompanied by a sinking feeling. There was no way she had made it to the final round. Even if Lexi hadn’t sabotaged her or—heaven forbid—told the other editors about the tape, she was still competing against so many talented people that—
    “Are you going to open it or not?” Matt interrupted her thoughts.
    She shook her head. “No. No, I can’t.”
    “Yes you can.” Matt walked over and placed his hands on her shoulders. He guided her to the couch and then sat down beside her. “How about you do it on the count of three? One . . . two . . .”
    “I can’t!” she cried, covering her eyes with one hand and shoving the envelope toward him with the other. “You have to do it.”
    “You sure?”
    Both hands over her eyes now, she nodded.
    “All right,” he said. Ripping the envelope open, he pulled out the stack of sample articles she had submitted for her second portfolio. Quickly, he skimmed the note on top.
    “Well?” she asked, peeking at him through her fingers. “Good news . . . or bad?”
    “The bad news is . . . that you’ve got a lot more work to do over the next coming weeks. But the good news is you made it!”
    “What!” she cried. “I—I made it?”
    “Yep!” He grinned.
    “Eeeeeeeeeeeeyaaaah!” she shrieked, leaping up and clapping her hands. She’d made it! In spite of Lexi’s conspiracies, Vanessa’s betrayal, and the destitute states of both her love life and current GPA, still she had made it. “Yes!” she cried, jumping up and
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