The Initiate Brother Duology

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Book: The Initiate Brother Duology Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sean Russell
he still fears our influence. We must watch this one carefully as he is very dangerous to us. His son will be no better. These will be difficult times for our Order. We must all flow like water and wind or we will be damaged—not destroyed—but years of work hang in the balance.”
    The Supreme Master poured more cha. “Senior Neophyte Shuyun was sent to me today and arrived during the Sister’s visit—a terrible mistake. He was indiscreet.”
    “How so, Supreme Master?”
    “She knows of his chi ten ability.”
    “Unfortunate, but she cannot begin to suspect his true potential. I feel I’m only beginning to realize it myself. Shuyun joined the junior Initiates at chi quan, today. They were clumsy beside him!” He looked up at the older monk. “What will we do with him?”
    “He will, no doubt, become a Spiritual Advisor to a peer of the Empire and spread the teachings of Botahara.”
    “Shuyun would make a perfect advisor to an Emperor, Supreme Master.”
    “A very remote possibility. Other things seem more likely and almost as useful. We must intensify Shuyun’s training without making him appear too special. I want to know his potential. He has never sparred, has he?”
    Brother Sotura shook his head.
    “How long would it take to bring him up to a level where he could win the Emperor’s kick boxing tournament?”
    “He could win it today, I’m sure, but I think he should train more specifically for such a test. Not long—perhaps two months.”
    “Begin his training tomorrow. I have a feeling that you and he will make a journey to the River Festival in the autumn.” The old monk stood and moved to the open balcony screen. He stared out into the open courtyard for a moment. It was lit only by starlight and the shadows played tricks on the eyes.
    “You have doubled our security?”
    “Yes, and I check the guards personally every night.”
    “You are indispensable, Sotura-sum.” The Supreme Master finally asked the question that each of them carried with him day and night. “If the Sisters do not have the scrolls, who else would want them?”
    Brother Sotura was quiet for a moment as he considered his answer. “Their value is inestimable, for that reason alone anyone might want them. But no thief could effect their sale and remain unknown—word would surely get out. The greater possibility is that someone has stolen them for political reasons. Anyone who would benefit from a secure hold over the Botahist Brotherhood is suspect.”
    “The Emperor?”
    “He would earn my first suspicion. He does not love us. There are no monks in his household to keep such a secret from and he is one of the few who could accomplish the theft.”
    “Who else?”
    “Lord Shonto, Lord Bakima, Lord Fujiki, Lord Omawara, perhaps half a dozen others, and the magic cults, though I don’t believe it was them.”
    “And we still don’t know when they were stolen?”
    “Sometime in the last ten years.”
    The Supreme Master shook his head. “All of the guardians of the Urn have been questioned now?”
    “All but two, Supreme Master.”
    “And they?”
    “They died of the plague.”
    The lamp flickered in a draft from the open screen.
    “If the scrolls have been taken to blackmail us, why haven’t they approached us with their demands?”
    “Perhaps the time is not yet right for their purpose, whatever it might be.”
    “There is another possibility, Sotura-sum. What if the scrolls have been destroyed?”
    “I refuse to believe anyone could perform such sacrilege!”
    “The followers of Tomsoma?”
    “They are bunglers and fools! They could never have accomplished the theft.”
    “I’m sure you are right, Sotura-sum. We have spies in their midst?”
    “Yes, Supreme Master, and we have contacted them. They report nothing out of the ordinary.”
    “You are thorough, Brother Sotura.”
    The Supreme Master stood for a moment more and then turned from the open doorway. “Thank you, my friend, you
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