she’d been very tempted to confide in Robyn and their other friends as well. But she never gave in. She didn’t want them to worry unnecessarily. It was her problem to deal with.
“I brought some dinner,” He said as he gestured to the bag. He had a broad smile on his face and she felt her blood heat just a little.
“That’s great,” She replied, hanging up her coat and watching him shrug out of his navy blue pea coat. “I missed lunch. I’m starved.”
He was still dressed in a shirt, tie and slacks but she could clearly see the contours of his chest through his shirt. He had a lean, swimmer’s body. She knew he loved to run and swim. In turn he’d been rewarded with a fine ass physique.
He winked at her and she quickly turned her head, embarrassed to be caught staring even only for a moment.
“Thank you for the flowers,” She murmured, hearing her cell phone vibrate. She would have ignored it if she hadn’t been waiting for a call or text from Robyn. “I love them.”
It’s not over. Goosebumps rose over her skin as she read the threat and she put the phone into her purse.
“You’re welcome.” He looked at the flowers sitting in the center of her ratty, old coffee table.
“So how was your day?” She asked, stepping out of her heels. With her heels on, he was only a few inches taller than her. Without the heels, she felt incredibly short. But her feet were aching. As hungry as she was from missing breakfast and lunch, she’d planned to get into the tub for a long soak before eating anything.
“It was okay. I had a presentation today. It went well.”
Lincoln was a market research analyst. Knowing he was so successful was slightly intimidating but she usually tried not think about it. She’d never gone to college, hadn’t even tried to apply. Desperate for independence, she’d gone straight to work right after graduating from high school. It was then that she’d been hired at Marley’s Gym. She had loved her job until the elder Marley had retired, leaving control of the gym to his sleazy son.
“How are you feeling?” He asked suddenly, his tone changing from casual to intense. “You seem...sad.”
“I’m not sad!” She denied right away. She emphasized the denial with a laugh and a swat on his arm. “Like I said, I had a long day. And I’m hungry so let’s eat whatever you brought for dinner.”
“It’s pasta and salad.”
“Sounds good, Lincoln. I probably would have had cereal if you hadn’t come.” She gave him a smile and strutted off to the kitchenette to retrieve plates and cutlery. The tiny table in the kitchenette was just big enough for two and within seconds they were seated there, serving themselves from the takeout containers.
“So what happened today?” He asked once they’d begun eating. “Everything okay at work?”
“Everything’s fine,” She lied, which was unlike her. But the less people knew, the better and work was fine. “I never thought I could have a traditional office job but it’s a big place so I keep busy. It never gets boring.”
“Do you like it better than your last job?”
“To a certain point. The gym’s atmosphere was fun and laid back and loud. But my last boss was a major pervert with a hand problem so going to work there started becoming stressful.” She left the table and went to the small fridge, grabbing a bottle of wine. She held the bottle up for him to see and he nodded so she poured them each a glass and set the bottle on the table.
“You were being sexually harassed?” He had a dark frown on his face.
“Yeah.” And now the prick couldn’t get to her anymore and was trying other desperate tactics. “He wouldn’t back off so I had to defend myself. I got fired then and there.”
“What did you do?”
“I kneed him in his balls,” She confessed, looking Lincoln in the eye to see what he thought about that.
“You should have sued the bastard,” He said, twirling spaghetti onto his fork.
It Takes A Thief (V1.0)[Htm]