The Husband Hunt - Kat's Season (The Bachelor Series)

The Husband Hunt - Kat's Season (The Bachelor Series) Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Husband Hunt - Kat's Season (The Bachelor Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kiki Abbott
           When it came time to choose the four men to have dinner with, Kat revealed that manners were important to her as well as considerate behavior and she’d already conducted four sneaky manner tests that day. “The winners are, Tony for being concerned for me on the Jurassic ride, Colton for carrying my lunch tray and pulling out my chair, Sam for letting everyone go in front of him all day and Keith for thanking the limo driver when we arrived.” She looked at Lance, Brad, Grant and Blake, apologetically. “Sorry guys.”
                 During dinner at the karaoke restaurant on Ventura Boulevard, Kat watched Sam, the stalky, thirtyish restaurant owner and took particular delight in his commentary on the food. He was rugged and rough mannered but she sensed he had a gentle side. He didn’t unnecessarily tease the other guys like most of them. He observed. She liked that about him.
    When they announ ced karaoke time, Colton sang a country song with a passable voice, Tony and Keith did a funny version of ACDC’s “Highway to Hell” and Sam took the stage last to sing an old Elvis love song directly to Kat. She put her hand on her heart and smiled at him, knowing that he’d be a good candidate for a private date at some point.
    Kat felt badly, the next day, that Pierce had specifically asked for a one on one date with her to an art gallery and here she was joking in the back seat of a chauffeured Escalade, on her way to go to a gallery and then do some various art projects with Ben, the sports lawyer. Kat had never dated a black man before and she couldn’t deny to herself that she was a bit fascinated. Ben’s skin was dark enough that she considered him her first. He’d said earlier that his mother was Irish Caucasian and his father was Black, Ben looked like a gorgeous, light-skinned black man. His hair was very short, he was clean shaven, had an infectious smile, beautiful eyes, and Kat hoped that her interest in kissing his gorgeous mouth wasn’t obvious when she was trying so hard to appear normal around him. Ben was a confident man when he was with her, but reserved amongst the group and she wondered if he knew he stood out without having to try. Physically he was beautiful. Was she pretty enough to be with Ben? She wasn’t sure. Their first serious conversation during the sketching portion of their art studio visit, was about his past relationships and Kat was surprised to learn that he’d had three long term girlfriends in his seven years since college. The last relationship lasted “only three months before we broke up.”
                 “What happened?” from the look on his face, she was curious.
                 “She took a job in Europe and I just couldn’t go with her.” His big brown eyes took on a softness. “We hadn’t known each other long enough to justify following her to Paris.”
                 Kat agreed it was probably best. “Are you still in touch?”
                 He shook his head. “Clean break. It wasn’t painful on either side. She was excited about this new job and I was happy for her.” He shrugged and Kat believed it hadn’t been a serious one to get over.” That was a few months ago.
                 “Can I ask you a weird question?” She looked over at the camera, hoping they’d edit this part out.
                 He nodded.
                 “Do you usually find yourself with white women or black women?” Coming out of her mouth it sounded petty and stupid but now she couldn’t take it back.
                 He smiled, and again she wanted to kiss him. “Doesn’t make any difference to me. I don’t go for color, necessarily.” He looked deep into her eyes “What about you?”
                 “I guess it doesn’t matter to me either. But I’m thinking right now that I like to date ½ Irish, ½ Black men.” Kat shot him a look that said
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