assistance if we need you.”
“Oh, goody, I might get invited to a bonding threesome later,” Malachi said gleefully.
Boca swore at him in Sumerian.
“I may not speak your language, but I can see all those violent images in your head. You won’t be winning any serene warrior awards from Ania with that temper of yours. Practice more self-control,” Malachi advised on a laugh, taking Boca’s tiny arm in one hand and shoving her across Chiang’s threshold before closing the door with a firm click behind her.
He smiled when he heard her hissing in consternation even through the strong metal.
“Raging fires of Helios, I’m turning into a freaking emissary for the Creators,” Malachi said to himself, walking slowly back to Medical. “All this being nice stuff had better count for something good one day.”
Inside Chiang’s quarters, Boca glanced around guiltily, too nervous at being in his private space uninvited to be properly angry at Malachi for forcing her to action before she had made up her own mind.
She smelled the remnants of cleansing solution and saw the door to the bathing area ajar. She looked in cautiously, but there was no one inside the cubicle. It was eerily quiet in the very large space, no sounds of movement or even loud breathing. She padded quietly to the tiny sleeping area, unable to avert her eyes from the completely naked male lying face-down in the middle of the tiny bed. Her eyes traveled from his family’s mark covering one massive shoulder down the path of too many muscles to count.
“ Slaggika ,” she murmured softly, closing her eyes and swallowing against the wave of lust that threatened to take her legs out from under her.
Unclothed, Chiang was more attractive than any male she had ever known. His physical form was impressively sleek, every muscle well-defined and begging to be stroked. He moved in his sleep as she watched, giving her a tiny glimpse of the front of him, which looked equally appealing. She couldn’t help wanting to see more.
Boca walked silently to the edge of his bed and perched on the side to more closely study the mark on his shoulder. All that would be needed for Chiang’s tracking mark would be to go over the center part of his existing design. Her fingers were reaching out to explore when Chiang moved in his sleep again.
His face twisted. “ Boca ,” he called.
Hearing her name spoken, Boca jumped from the edge of the bed, only to stand shaking beside it. Ever since she had shared the Sumerian first commitment with Chiang, she had grown more and more afraid to be in his presence.
Actually, it had started with the first kiss, when Chiang had professed to having trouble “letting” her go with the captain and Malachi. Recalling his words could still ignite her anger—and her anxiety.
When Chiang worried so much, it was like being with Rogan again. Rogan had demanded she cease her training, not because she lacked talent, but because his fear for her had been too great for him to master.
Boca turned to leave, planning to quietly exit, but instead she stumbled against the side of the too small sleeping area doorway in her haste. She called out as she caught herself.
“ Slaggika ,” she swore again, when Chiang raised his head and saw her.
“Boca? Is something wrong in Medical?” he asked tiredly.
“No,” Boca stated, her tone hoarse with humiliation as she looked away.
Chiang had turned in the bed enough to give her the clear full frontal view of him that she had been longing to see. Wanting to run exploring hands over him and his male assets made everything in her quiver with bonding need.
“That’s good,” Chiang said, laying his head back down. “I resorted to self-gratification during my cleansing, and then I took a sleep aide. I’m unable to perform any doctor duties. Let the blasted demon take care of things.”
Chiang’s sleepy complaining wasn’t really funny, but Boca found herself smiling and then laughing