The Fullness of Quiet

The Fullness of Quiet Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Fullness of Quiet Read Online Free PDF
Author: Natasha Orme
They were jerky and inaccurate but I managed to work it out. I nodded in response to his question but tried very hard not to look at him. I was always an overly honest person and I was kicking myself for it.
    We had emerged into the sunlight. Joshua hadn’t responded to my answer yet. He stood looking out at the fresh day. A small smile was dancing around his lips. I’d never seen him looking so peaceful before. I followed his gaze and from our vantage point we could just about see everyone in the playground. Some were sat on a low wall, swinging their legs and signing to each other. Some were playing basketball in wheelchairs on the small tarmac court. Some were playing with skipping ropes and others were just lying on the grass and appreciating the warm weather.
    “Can I walk home with you again today, please?” he signed to me. I nodded.
    “Yes. I have to pick up my little sister on the way.”
    “That’s fine.” He smiled again. “I like your little sister. What’s her name?”
    “Helen,” I replied. I spelt out each letter and watched him looking at my hands. I deliberately signed to him slower than I would if I was talking to Charlie or Alex. I don’t know if he noticed but I didn’t mean it offensively, I just wanted him to understand. I figured that I’d gradually speed up until I could talk to him like everyone else.
    “Would you like to go sit on the grass?” I asked him. He shook his head.
    “Your friends are waiting for you,” he replied slowly. He pointed over to the left side of the playground where Charlie and Alex were sat. I could see they were glancing over at us every now and again and I knew he’d seen it as well. I let my eyes drop to the ground and walked over to where my friends were. I knew he’d watch me go and I knew he wouldn’t follow.
    “Hi, Jocelyn,” signed Alex.
    “Hi, Alex,” I replied.
    “What were you and Joshua talking about?” asked Charlie, eagerly. I knew she already knew. She just wanted to torment me by bringing his name up in conversation.
    The rest of the day went pretty slowly. I managed to finally concentrate on my teacher but everything just seemed so dull. I knew it was all because I was looking forward to walking home with Joshua. It was weird, but I just felt so comfortable around him.
    We walked home together every day that week. And every week after that. It just seemed natural as we were both going in the same direction. Helen began to include Joshua in her conversations and would ask how his day was and what he’d been doing. He rarely asked questions back but he answered the ones she asked him. I had to explain to her several times that she had to slow down when signing to Joshua but it never lasted for long. Her excitement would get the better of her and she would get carried away again.
    I remember the look of shock on Joshua’s face when I gave him his first hug. It wasn’t anything particularly special. As I said goodbye to him one afternoon, I hugged him. And for a second I was unsure as to whether he would hug me back. But after a moment’s hesitation, I felt his arms wrap themselves around me and hold me close. We stood like that for a while before we both pulled away. I smiled at him and he just blushed. He looked unsure of himself and couldn’t concentrate on his hand movements so I had no idea what he was trying to say to me but I assumed it was his usual goodbye before he hurried on home, not looking back.

Chapter 6
    We were sat in the field outside my house again. It was our favorite place to come after school. The grass was so tall that once you sat down, only the top of your head could be seen. The tall stems waved in the breeze to passers-by. To me it was just inviting. I liked to see what flowers I could find. There were always these little blue ones. But you had to look real careful because they were so small. I could see the trail we’d made when we’d tried to find somewhere to settle down. It gave away our position.
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