stylet, 21
subsultus tendinum , 22
Sucharda, Edward, 116–17
suicides, 22–23, 205–6
by Nazis, 264
supply lines, 180, 218
surrealism, 60
swollen testicles, 22
Sympatius (char.), 241–42, 245
symptoms of typhus, 21–22, 36–37, 155, 184, 185, 205–6
syphilis, 88, 200, 224, 225, 227
Szczepko (Kazimierz Wajda), 49
Szeptycki, Andrzej Graf, Archbishop of Lwów, 128
Szpilman, Henryk, 121–23
Szybalski, Stanisław, 153, 159–61
Szybalski, Stefan, 115–16, 152–53
Szybalski, Wacław, 47, 73, 77, 115–17, 127, 137, 139, 162–63, 231, 284
Weigl lab description of, 147–52, 303
T-4, 138
Tannenberg, Battle of, 25–26
Tarasyuk, Oleksandra, 1–2
Taraxacum kok-saghyz , 221–22
Tarnów, 15
Tarski, Alfred, 51
tattoos, 213, 220
Taylor, Telford, 267–68
Teller, Edward, 50
tents, for delousing, 26, 67
testes, of guinea pigs, 239
tetanus, 31
Texas, University of, at Galveston, 301–2
Theory and Practice of Hell, The (Kogon), 207, 236, 281
Third Army, U.S., 259–61
Third Part of the Night, The (A.uławski), 230–31, 278
Thomas à Becket, 14
thought collectives, 10–11, 58, 79, 84–91, 141, 241, 296, 302
esoteric circles of, 85–86, 288
exoteric circles of, 85–86, 288
religious organizations as, 85
of vaccine making, 238, 242–46
ticks, 17, 20–21
Tikhvin, 183
TNT, 116–17
toad dance, 226
Tonko (Henryk Vogelfänger), 49
torture, 103–4, 132, 200
trans-Siberian railway, 33
Treblinka, 74, 99, 218
Trefouel, Jacques, 195
trench fever, 27, 160
treponeme, 88–89
triangles, on Nazi prison uniforms, 100
Trojnar, Józef, 15
troop doctors, 94
British, 26, 181, 233, 280
German, see German troops
troops, U.S., 95
vaccination of, 181
Trotsky, Leon, 33
tuberculosis, 17, 53, 187, 225, 279
Tunis, 24, 62, 94
Twardowski, Kazimierz, 54
twin experiments, 224
Tyfus , 20
typhoid fever, 20, 31, 57, 104, 208, 224
Nazi view of, 90
testing of, at Buchenwald, 208–9
Typhoid Mary, 87
typhos , 20
backache, symptom of, 21
campaigns, fieldwork in, 67, 95
deafness, symptom of, 22
diagnosis of, 53
endemic, 95–96, 108
in Ethiopia, 96, 98
fear of, 5, 96, 100–101, 119, 136, 187, 202, 254–55
hallucinatory symptoms of, 20–24, 37, 107, 155
human survivors of, 18
immunity to, 35, 62
inoculation against, 65–67, 69, 94–96, 98
as “Jewish disease,” 5, 100–101, 108, 118–19, 118 , 187
latent infections of, 18
lice carriers of, 2, 18, 20–21, 24, 28–30, 36–38, 62–63, 90–91, 163, 300
memory loss, symptom of, 22
mental distress, symptom of, 22
Nazi view of, 90–91, 100–101, 136, 140–42, 187
in nonepidemic periods, 67, 91–92, 95, 187, 271, 277
other names for, 24
outbreaks in labs, 64
psychotic reactions to, 155, 185, 205–6
rash of, 21, 36
reduction in, 66
in Russia, 25–26, 31–35
similarity of syphilis to, 89
strains of, 98
“Typhus” (Chekhov), 24
Typhus Cabaret, 165
Typhus Commission, U.S., 299
typhus epidemics, 13–14, 18–19, 28, 41–42, 65, 94, 96, 190
civilian infection in, 183–84, 186
demographic effects of, 35
as last in Europe, 300
in remote locations, 301
reporting restrictions on, 185–86
statistics on, 14, 24, 26, 28, 34–35, 38–39, 98, 181–83, 186–87, 194
trains’ spread of, 33–34
in war, 24–35, 100, 118–21, 167, 181–90, 194, 201, 299
typhus publications, of World War I, 28
typhus regions, 34, 66, 95
typhus research:
in Africa, 95
control group in, 201
difficulties with, 2–3, 11, 17–19, 31, 55–56, 238
of Fleck, 156–58, 217, 302
in Germany, 94–95, 188–89
germ cultivation in, 11, 18–19, 55–56
postwar period of, 277
in World War II, 5, 7, 11, 14–15, 156–59, 193, 201–10, 217, 224
typhus wards, 22–24, 22
Ufa, 23
Ukraine, Ukranians, 1–3, 5, 15–16, 32, 46, 66, 72, 73, 112, 128–32
language of, 111
militias of, 138, 159
typhus of Jews in, 34–35
World War I typhus in, 20
Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, 113