The Fantastic Laboratory of Dr. Weigl: How Two Brave Scientists Battled Typhus and Sabotaged the Nazis

The Fantastic Laboratory of Dr. Weigl: How Two Brave Scientists Battled Typhus and Sabotaged the Nazis Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Fantastic Laboratory of Dr. Weigl: How Two Brave Scientists Battled Typhus and Sabotaged the Nazis Read Online Free PDF
Author: Arthur Allen
    of vaccine, 163–64, 177, 239, 245–47, 250
    Sachs, Hans, 93
    Sachsenhausen, 106
    sadism, 137, 220, 235
    Saint, Eva Marie, 280
    Saint Brigid’s prison, 126–29, 131
    St. Petersburg, 35, 60
    Salomon, Ernst von, 199
    Samsa, Gregor (char.), 91
    Samuel, Maximilian, 216
    Saxony-Anhalt, 80
    Schauder, Juliusz, 53
    Schemm, Hans, 93
    Schenk, Peter, 209
    Scheut missionaries, 65
    Schicksal des A.D., Das (Salomon), 199
    Schiller, Friedrich, 198
    Schilling, Claus, 25
    Schlick, Moritz, 76
    Schlumberger, 280
    Schneider, Paul, 104
    Schnelle, Thomas, 58
    Scholz, Dr., 190–91
    Schöngarth, Eberhard, 131, 132
    Schramm, Franek, 77, 127
    Schuler, Erwin, see Ding, Erwin
    Schuler, Karl von, 80–82
    genealogy of, 82
    Schumann, Horst, 216
    Schwanenberg, Dr., 158, 167–68
    acculturation in, 59, 86–88, 242
    communicative necessity of, 86–87, 242, 245, 288, 302
    as complex phenomenon, 242, 245
    democratic aspect of, 59, 85–86, 302
    metaphors in, 87–88, 302
    reductionism in, 4
    relativism in, 84, 245
    socio-cultural influence on, 58–59
    of terrain-related medicine, 89
    truths of, 59–60, 76, 84, 245
    Science , 288
    scopolamine, 185
    Scottish Book, 113, 149
    Scottish Café (Szkocka), 50, 51–53, 52 , 113, 132
    scratching, 21, 69
    scrub typhus, 20–21
    secondary infections, 239
    secrecy, 201
    Seeman, Anna, 139, 177–78, 212–13, 216, 256–57, 280
    Seeman, Bronisław (Bruno), 139, 177–78, 212–13, 224, 226, 256–57, 280
    Seeman, Jakob, 139, 177–78, 212–13, 280
    segregation, 96
    Seigneur, Marcel, 255
    self-delusion, 243–44
    Serbia, typhus epidemic in, 28–32, 62
    Sergent, Edmond, 114
    serology, 4, 54, 93
    serology lab, 215, 224–25, 237
    Sète, 280
    sexual assault, 209
    sheep’s blood, in disease research, 225–26, 240
    Shin Beth, 296
    shtetls, 92
    Siberia, 23, 110, 112, 116, 117, 294
    Sicherheitsdienst (Secret Service), 79–80
    Sikora, Hilda, 63–64, 242
    Silesia, 283
    Simplicius (char.), 241–42
    Skole, 66
    Skrowaczewski, Stanisław, 136, 149
    skull measurements, 93
    slave labor, 99, 102, 126, 154, 187, 204, 253, 279
    slave scientists, 7–8, 10–11, 104, 208, 212, 215–29
    blood of, 227
    cleaning rituals of, 237–38
    Rajsko conditions for, 221–22
    Slavs, Nazi view of, 192
    Slawsko, 66
    Smadel, Joseph, 273
    smallpox, 25, 91
    Smolensk, 162
    Snieszko, Stanislaus Francis, 106
    Sobibor, 99, 218
    social constructivists, 296
    social medicine, 89
    sociology of scientific knowledge, 58
    sodium evipam, 199
    SOE, see Special Operations Executive
    Sokolowski, Jerzy, 162
    Soviet Academy of Medicine, 114
    Soviet-Nazi demarcation line, 284
    Soviet Ukraine, postwar in, 279, 282–84
    Soviet Union, 76, 86, 95, 112
    collaborators and, 278
    Nazi invasion of, 124, 179–81
    passports of, 116
    POWs from, 181, 183, 185, 194
    scientists of, 221
    spy for, 296–97
    tensions with, 265
    typhus in, 180, 277
    Sparrow, Hélene, 62, 63 , 193
    spastic movements, 21–22
    Special Operations Executive (SOE), British, 249, 264, 282
    Buchenwald rescue plot of, 253–56
    spotted fever, 20, 24
    squirrel-to-person transmission, 300–301
    Stalag IV-B, 194
    Stalin, Joseph, 109–10, 111, 125, 265, 279, 284
    Stalingrad, 179–80, 179
    Stalinism, 86, 115
    staph infections, 161
    Staraya Russa, 183–84
    starvation, 100–101, 121, 131, 138–40, 156, 182, 197, 200, 257, 259–60
    Starzyk, Jan, 61, 165, 276
    State Institute of Serotherapy (Vienna), 55
    statistics, in medical thinking, 57
    Steinhaus, Hugo, 50–51, 54, 285
    sterilization experiments, 215–16, 266
    Stiffel, Frank, 74, 112–13, 122, 225–26
    Stockholm, 97
    stool tests, 224
    Stozek, Włodzimierz, 50, 132, 147–48
    Strasbourg, University of, 188
    Streicher, Julius, 90–91
    Streptococcus pyogenes , 17, 226–27
    Strong, Richard, 25
    strophanthin, 104, 185, 205
    Structure of Scientific Revolutions, The (Kuhn), 3
    Stryj, 15, 54
    Stryj Park, 47–49, 71
    Stubendienst , 102
    Stuchly, Zbigniew, 61, 133, 165, 170–71, 231, 294
    Sturmabteilung , 81
    Stürmer, Der ,
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