The Dragon (G.O.N.Y. - Double Dragon)

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Book: The Dragon (G.O.N.Y. - Double Dragon) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Violette Dubrinsky
on earth, his grandfather had to be wise. Kang Jae Seong, for whom Ramsey was named, would often sprout his best phrases in the midst of acts of brutality he’d force his grandson to watch.
    “No.” Pat looked directly at him, before returning his attention to the view of buildings. “I’m not wearing a wire.”
    When Ramsey only lifted a brow, Pat snorted and shook his head. Holding his cigar in one hand, he unbuttoned his short-sleeved summer shirt, leaving the two halves open and blowing slightly with the night breeze.
    Satisfied, Ramsey asked, “Have you ever worn one around me or any of our family?”
    “Never.” It was said with the utmost disgust, as if he’d never entertain the idea.
    “You say it as if you haven’t been speaking to federal agents about our family.”
    Pat’s gaze swung back to him and his eyes narrowed to thin slits. “I haven’t spoken to anyone about our family—”
    “Be careful with your words, Pat, they just may be your last.”
    His uncle held his gaze for long moments before he snorted, shook his head and looked back to the skyline. “The old man always said you were a natural, born to lead.”
    Ramsey quirked a brow. Was that why he went to the feds? Pat wanted the title of Dragon? Even as the question entered his mind, Ramsey was inclined to dismiss it. Pat might crave money, but he’d never struck Ramsey as the type who wanted the responsibility that came along with it.
    Pat took another drag from the cigar. “He said that about your mother too, would lament on the fact that she was a girl.” Pat snorted and tapped his cigar on the balcony railing. “He would have traded all four of his sons for the chance to make Hannah a boy.”
    When Ramsey only remained watchful, Pat turned to him. The older man’s expression was whimsical. “And then, you came along…the son he always wanted.”
    “So you squealed for the chance to be The Dragon?” he asked in a bored tone of voice.
    Pat laughed, a dry, hollow sound. “I never wanted to be Dragon.”
    “Then why?”
    His uncle shrugged. “Maybe I was tired of this life, tired of always looking over my shoulder, of burying family.”
    “You haven’t had to look over your shoulder in close to a decade, and the only unanticipated burial during that time occurred today.”
    His uncle’s head jerked back to him. “I had nothing to do with Lily’s death, Ramsey.”
    “You’re already talking to the feds, Pat,” Ramsey interrupted in a hard voice. His hand brushed his waist, where he concealed a semi-automatic revolver with a silencer attached. “Who’s to say you’re not in league with one of my enemies?”
    Pat shook his head as his expression hardened. “I’d never betray you for them, and I loved Lily! She was a child, an innocent. Say whatever you want to about me, but never that. I’d never play a part in the death of a child.” The man shook his head again and his eyes narrowed. “You know I wouldn’t, Ramsey.”
    Ramsey stared at him for long moments, staring at his right eye, waiting for the twitch, but it never came. Of its own volition, his mind replayed one of his earliest memories of Pat. Ramsey, his mother, and brother had just arrived in Gwangju, South Korea, at his grandfather’s large and secure estate. They’d buried his father only days ago, and then they’d left the only home he’d known for a completely different world. His mother had taught them Korean from a young age, so Ramsey hadn’t had that much of a problem understanding people, but he’d gone from having a small family to having a large one, from being middle class to being rich, from being well-to-do, his father had been an engineer, his mother a teacher, to being a part of an underground establishment called the Ssang Yong Pa or Double Dragon.
    He’d been there barely a week, when he’d first run into Pat. Due to his mother’s return after ten years abroad, his grandfather’s estate had become a revolving door of family
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