moved on
To other lands, other suns, to say all there is time for
Because time is just what this instant is?
Even at the beginning the manner of the hourglass
Was all-severing, weaning of that delicious thread
That comes down even to us, “Bénédiction de Dieu dans la Solitude”
Sand shaper, whistler of affectionate destinies, flames and fruit.
And now you are this thing that is outside me,
And how I in token of it am like you is
In place. In between are the bits of information
That circulate around you, all that ancient stuff,
Brought here, reassembled, carted off again
Into the back yard of your dream. If we are closer
To anything, it is in this sense that doesn’t count,
Like the last few blank pages of a book.
This is why I look at you
With the eyes you once liked so much in animals:
When, in that sense, is it to be?
An ultimate warm day of the year
With the light unapproachable on the beaches?
In which case you return to the fork in the road
Doubtless to take the same path again? The second-time knowledge
Gives it fluency, makes it less of a choice
As you are older and in a dream touch bottom.
The laburnum darkened, denser at the deserted lake;
Mountain ash mindlessly dropping berries: to whom is all this?
I tell you, we are being called back
For having forgotten these names
For forgetting our proper names, for falling like nameless things
On unfamiliar slopes. To be seen again, churlishly into life,
Returning, as to the scene of a crime.
That is how the singer spoke,
In vague terms, but with an eternity of thirst
To end with a small tumbler of water
Or a single pink, leaning against the window frame in the bubble evening,
The mind of our birth. It was all sad and real.
They slept together at the commercial school.
The binding of a book made a tall V, like undone hair,
“To say all there was never time for.”
It is no triumph to point out
That no accounting was ever asked.
The land lies flat under the umbrella
Of anxiety perpetually smoothed over
As though some token were required of how each
Arrived early for the appointment in different cities.
The least suspicion would have crumbled,
Positive, but in the end you were right to
Pillage and obstruct. And she
Stared at her toes. The argument
Can be brought back intact to the point
Of summarizing how it’s just a cheap way
Of letting you off, and finally
How blue objects protruded out of the
Potential, dying and recoiling, returning as you meet them
Touching forever, water lifted out of the sea.
Years of Indiscretion
Whatever your eye alights on this morning is yours:
Dotted rhythms of colors as they fade to the color,
A gray agate, translucent and firm, with nothing
Beyond its purifying reach. It’s all there.
These are things offered to your participation.
These pebbles in a row are the seasons.
This is a house in which you may wish to live.
There are more than any of us to choose from
But each must live its own time.
And with the urging of the year each hastens onward separately
In strange sensations of emptiness, anguish, romantic
Outbursts, visions and wraiths. One meeting
Cancels another. “The seven-league boot
Gliding hither and thither of its own accord”
Salutes these forms for what they now are:
Fables that time invents
To explain its passing. They entertain
The very young and the very old, and not
One’s standing up in them to shoulder
Task and vision, vision in the form of a task
So that the present seems like yesterday
And yesterday the place where we left off a little while ago.
Farm Implements and Rutabagas in a Landscape
The first of the undecoded messages read: “Popeye sits in thunder,
Unthought of. From that shoebox of an apartment,
From livid curtain’s hue, a tangram emerges: a country.”
Meanwhile the Sea Hag was relaxing on a green couch: “How pleasant
To spend one’s vacation en la casa de Popeye,” she scratched
Her cleft chin’s solitary hair.