The Doctor's Diet: Dr. Travis Stork's STAT Program to Help You Lose Weight & Restore Your Health

The Doctor's Diet: Dr. Travis Stork's STAT Program to Help You Lose Weight & Restore Your Health Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: The Doctor's Diet: Dr. Travis Stork's STAT Program to Help You Lose Weight & Restore Your Health Read Online Free PDF
Author: Travis Stork
exactly what to eat and when to eat it, and I don’t think you do, either. That’s what fad diets do—but the Doctor’s Diet isn’t like that. My eating plan isn’t about losing a few pounds that you’ll gain back next week. It’s about making life-saving changes in your eating habits and your weight that will sustain many years of great health. The STAT Plan is designed to meet your needs on a variety of levels. It will start moving you toward dramatic weight loss. It will fuel your body with essential nutrients, while keeping your hunger at bay and ringing the bell on taste and enjoyment. I can’t promise you that you’ll never feel a single hunger pang on the STAT Plan, but I can tell you that the STAT Plan’s formulation of protein, fat, fiber, and complex carbohydrates will leave you feeling surprisingly satisfied even as the pounds start to fall away.
    The STAT Plan is lower in daily calories than other parts of The Doctor’s Diet. (But don’t worry, you won’t have to count calories—all you have to do is follow my simple Meal Plan Equations.) Remember, ourgoal is to “stop the bleeding” on excess weight, and the most effective way to do that is to jump in with both feet and start losing weight.
    After two weeks on the STAT Plan, you’ll move on to the RESTORE Plan, which offers you even more flexibility.
    Before I tell you about the specifics of my daily Meal Plan Equations, here are some basic guidelines for the STAT Plan.
    Stay on plan. For maximum weight loss and the fastest results, follow the STAT Plan as closely as possible. Use daily Meal Plan Equations to create your own daily menus. Or follow my sample 14-day STAT menu, which makes it even easier if you prefer to have your meals designed for you.
    Think ahead. If you have time, sit down each evening and plan your next day’s meals. That’s the easiest way to make sure you eat the right foods in the right amounts, and that you have everything you need on hand before you start preparing meals. This is something I learned to do a long time ago. It doesn’t take long—you can plan your meals in just a couple of minutes. Since it actually ends up saving you time the next day, you come out ahead, time-wise.
    Size up your size. The amount of food we need varies based on our size, as well as age, activity levels, and other factors. When portions are given in a range—for example, three to four ounces of lean meat, poultry or fish—choose the low end of the range if you’re smaller (under 5feet 4 for women or under 5 feet 10 for men), older (over 50), or less active (under 30 minutes daily), and the high end of the range if you’re tall, younger, or more active. During the RESTORE and MAINTAIN Plans, active people have even more meal-planning choices.
    Get served. Serving sizes really do matter—you can have the healthiest diet in the world, but if you’re eating too much of it, you’ll never lose weight. For maximum weight loss, stick with suggested serving sizes. In cases where there’s a lot of variety in packaged foods—for example, a slice of whole-grain bread can have anything from 40 calories to 140, depending on what’s in it and how thickly it’s sliced—I will suggest a calorie limit to help you determine the best amount to eat.
    Give protein a hand. Meat, poultry, and fish servings are about the same size as the palm of your hand, so feel free to use your palm as a measuring guide for size; the thickness should be similar to that of a deck of playing cards. Measure beans and lentils with a measuring cup.
    Choose drinks that accelerate weight loss. Avoid alcoholic beverages, sweetened beverages, or diet sodas. (But don’t worry, you’ll get to enjoy your favorite “adult” beverages on the
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