The Memory Palace
Errors !
    9. Out your door, you almost trip over the woman giving birth to a baby which pops out and flies across the street. Love's Labour's Lost !
    10. Run to your bike, but two-headed Richard Gere is trying to steal it. Richard II !
    11. At the end of your street you wait to let a girl and boy cross the road from opposite sides, and they meet in the middle and die. Romeo and Juliet !
    12. You call for help but get nothing but snores from the Knight asleep in the gutter. Midsummer Night's Dream !
    13. From across the street the little John Travolta dances towards you getting older, until he gets so old he dies. The Life and Death of King John !
    14. Just around the corner is the mermaid rowing the boat towards you, trying to get back to Venice. Merchant of Venice !
    15. Mermaid Boat gets smashed to bits by the 4 birds from the sky. Henry IV Part 1 !
    16. To clean up the mess are the happy and jolly wives from the nearest driveway. The Merry Wives of Windsor !
    17. The birds come back for more and attack the merry wives. Henry IV Part 2 !
    18. Next is the wedding ceremony of the four twins. Much Ado About Nothing !
    19. A new batch of birds dive bomb and attack, with the 5th destroying your bike. Henry V !
    20. You call out for someone to help you get to the play on time, and a Roman soldier on his white horse comes a'galloping. Julius Caesar !
    21. Caesar brings with him a spare donkey for you to ride, an ass which keeps licking your arms and face. As You Like It !
    22. Super Ninja Pig comes leaping out of the next driveway at Caesar. Hamlet !
    23. To take down the pig a dozen knights come to fight, but only the last one survives. Twelfth Night !
    24. From across the street, the Giant Troll firing a crossbow attacks our one remaining Knight. Troilus and Cressida !
    25. Racing away from the danger, you arrive at the bus stop. The bus door is protected by a Must Be This Tall To Ride sign. Measure for Measure !
    26. Bashing through the sign, you try to pay the driver. He doesn't want your money but does want you to sign an oath. Grab the quill. Othello !
    27. Sitting down, next to the smelly leering old man, you regret getting the bus. King Lear !
    28. Look to the seat next to you. Anne Hathaway and her beautiful, beautiful face! Ask her the time. Just get her attention! Timon of Athens !
    29. Sat next to her is darling husband William Shakespeare, eating a McDonalds breakfast. Macbeth !
    30. At the next stop, Tony the Tiger and Leonardo DiCaprio climb aboard and take everyone hostage. Antony and Cleopatra !
    31. Not everyone is convinced, and Orson Welles leaps out of his seat and swells his hands up like balloons and bashes them flat. All's Well That Ends Well !
    32. Off the bus now, the pears hit you in the head. John Cleese being funny, of course. Pericles !
    33. Now outside the theater, push past all those carol singers who had nothing at all to do with the word aaaaaaaaanus. Coriolanus !
    34. While opening the doors, the white-Lycra-clad sprinter smacks your face with his tail. The Winter's Tale !
    35. Now the cymbals and bells band are reminding you how glorious silence is. Cymbeline !
    36. And the conductor is in a rageful temper. The Tempest !
    37. Sitting down, to finally relax, the big fat Henry 8th sets fire to the entire building. Henry VIII !

Shakespeare's 37 Plays In Chronological Order
    This list, by the way, is based on the Oxford Shakespeare chronology, but there are several scholarly attempts at constructing a definitive chronology, and not one definite answer exists - it's a lot of interpretation. It's the Oxford Shakespeare Chronology we've plumbed for here.
    1. The Two Gentlemen of Verona
2. The Taming of the Shrew
3. Henry VI Part 2
4. Henry VI Part 3
5. Henry VI Part 1
6. Titus Andronicus
7. Richard III
8. Comedy of Errors
9. Love's Labour's Lost
10. Richard II
11. Romeo and Juliet
12. Midsummer Night's Dream
13. The Life and Death of King John
14. Merchant of Venice
15. Henry IV Part 1
16. The Merry
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