1460a 26–7
5 Man is by nature a political animal.
Politics bk. 1, 1253a 2–3
6 He who is unable to live in society, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or a god.
Politics bk. 1, 1253a 27–9
7 Nature does nothing without purpose or uselessly.
Politics bk. 1, 1256b 20–21
8 Amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas.Plato is dear to me, but dearer still is truth.
Latin translation of a Greek original ascribed to Aristotle
9 When he was asked "What is a friend?" he said "One soul inhabiting two bodies."
Diogenes Laertius Lives of Philosophers bk. 5, sect. 20
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Armistead, Lewis Addison 1817–63
1 Give them the cold steel, boys!
during the American Civil War, 1863
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Armstrong, Harry 1879–1951
There's an old mill by the stream, Nellie Dean,
Where we used to sit and dream.
"Nellie Dean" (1905 song)
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Armstrong, John 1709–79
1 'Tis not for mortals always to be blest.
The Art of Preserving Health (1744) bk. 4, l. 260
2 'Tis not too late tomorrow to be brave.
The Art of Preserving Health (1744) bk. 4, l. 460
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Armstrong, Louis 1901–71
1 If you still have to ask…shame on you.
when asked what jazz is; sometimes quoted as, "Man, if you gotta ask you'll never know"
Max Jones et al. Salute to Satchmo (1970)
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Armstrong, Neil 1930–
1 That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.
as the craft touched down, he had radioed "Houston. Tranquillity Base here. The Eagle has landed"
in New York Times 21 July 1969; interference in the transmission obliterated "a"
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Armstrong, Robert 1927–
1 It contains a misleading impression, not a lie. It was being economical with the truth.
during the "Spycatcher" trial in New South Wales
in Daily Telegraph 19 November 1986. ,
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Arnold, Edwin 1832–1904
Nor ever once ashamed
So we be named
Press-men; Slaves of the Lamp; Servants of Light.
"The Tenth Muse" (1895) st. 18
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Arnold, Matthew 1822–88
The Sea of Faith
Was once, too, at the full, and round earth's shore
Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furled.
But now I only hear
Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar.
Ah, love, let us be true
To one another!
"Dover Beach" (1867) l. 21
And we are here as on a darkling plain
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,
Where ignorant armies clash by night.
"Dover Beach" (1867) l. 35
Come, dear children, let us away;
Down and away below!
"The Forsaken Merman" (1849) l. 1
Now the wild white horses play,
Champ and chafe and toss in the spray.
"The Forsaken Merman" (1849) l. 4
Where great whales come sailing by,
Sail and sail, with unshut eye,
Round the world for ever and aye.
"The Forsaken Merman" (1849) l. 43
Say, has some wet bird-haunted English lawn
Lent it the music of its trees at dawn?
"Parting" (1852) l. 19
Eternal Passion!
Eternal Pain!
of the nightingale
"Philomela" (1853) l. 31
Cruel, but composed and bland,
Dumb, inscrutable and grand,
So Tiberius might have sat,
Had Tiberius been a cat.
"Poor Matthias" (1885) l. 40
Not deep the Poet sees, but wide.
"Resignation" (1849) l. 214
Go, for they call you, Shepherd, from the hill.
"The Scholar-Gipsy" (1853) l. 1
All the live murmur of a summer's day.
"The Scholar-Gipsy" (1853) l. 20
Tired of knocking at Preferment's door.
"The Scholar-Gipsy" (1853) l. 35
Crossing the stripling Thames at Bab-lock-hithe.
"The Scholar-Gipsy" (1853) l. 74
The line of festal light in Christ-Church hall.
"The Scholar-Gipsy"
Lee Rowan, Charlie Cochrane, Erastes