The Billionaire Submissive (Billionaires in Bondage)

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Book: The Billionaire Submissive (Billionaires in Bondage) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Joely Sue Burkhart
from smug to downright preening at the thought she might have been gossiping about how good looking he was with her friend. Naturally, I ought to bring him down a notch. “I said he was pretty. But you know that’s the kiss of death for me.”
    Marie snorted and his wide smile slipped a notch as Lilly had hoped.
    “May I come in?”
    Lilly hesitated. She didn’t want to give him a single tidbit of information about her. Not when he’d already tracked her down and somehow ferreted out her secret identity without even speaking to her first. This was her private domain. Literally and figuratively, the place she let her hair down. She was even barefoot, for God’s sake, dressed in her oldest, most comfortable threadbare jeans and T-shirt. Meanwhile he was still dressed to the nines in the suit that probably cost more than her car.
    “I waited until I knew you had company so you wouldn’t have any reason to be afraid.”
    “Oh, that’s not creepy at all,” Marie said, shaking her head. “No way, Lil. Don’t let this jerk in.”
    “I always get my way,” Mr. Morgan replied, clearly a threat although he kept his voice even. “It’s how I clawed my way to the top. I assumed my reputation and position in the community would give Miss Harrison no qualms whatsoever about allowing me into her shop.”
    She didn’t even try to keep the incredulity off her face. “Because fine, upstanding men in the community never take advantage of vulnerable women if they think they can get away with it?”
    He inclined his head again. “And that’s why I offer my apologies. Secure in the status and privilege my wealth provides, I didn’t stop to think what it’d be like for a woman, alone, to have a stranger attempt to insert himself into her life so boldly.”
    His words struck an odd chord in her. Did he really see it as inserting himself into her life? Not as a creative or business opportunity? She’d given him no indication whatsoever that she was interested in allowing him into her personal life. Silently, she stepped aside and pushed open the door.
    “Are you kidding?” Marie stepped closer as Mr. Morgan passed inside, like she felt she needed to keep between them. “I don’t like this, hon.”
    “It’s okay. You know he’s here. His secretary knows he’s here. Standard operating safety procedures, all right?”
    Marie nodded. “Sure. Text me in thirty minutes that you’re okay, or I’m calling the police.”
    “And then hourly.” Lilly noted the lingering concern in her friend’s eyes and gave her a tight hug. “I’ll be fine. Promise.”
    Marie shot him a warning look as she gathered her purse and left. Lilly shut the door and turned to find him watching her intently. “What?”
    “Standard operating safety procedures?”
    “A single woman can’t be too careful.” She watched his face, weighing whether she ought to lay her cards all out on the table now or save something for later. What the hell. “Especially when she’s involved in BDSM.”
    His shoulders relaxed a hair, revealing a subtle tension. Maybe he hadn’t been completely sure, even though his instincts had insisted on the truth. “Only smart. So am I forgiven?”
    She held her hand out and accepted the flowers. Then he surprised her by offering a bottle of wine she hadn’t noticed. He must have had it behind his back.
    “I drove around until I found a liquor store and hoped it was one you frequented. The clerk remembered you and was able to tell me your preferences so I could get something you’d actually like.”
    “Creepy again.” Shaking her head, she went into the kitchen and found a vase for the flowers. “Don’t you understand that’s stalker behavior?”
    He managed to look offended. “I’m merely using every resource at my disposal to ensure victory. It’s not stalking.”
    “Of course not,” she said lightly. “You wouldn’t want to get me drunk so you could take advantage of me.”
    Now he drew himself up, his
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