The Bet (Addison #2)

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Book: The Bet (Addison #2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Erica M. Christensen
pumps the air and throws his hands up at us, waiting for our excited reactions.
    “Excuse me?” I gulp. “There’s no way I’m going to Puerto Rico for a week by myself with a fucking stranger! Pardon my language, John. But seriously…you’re joking, right?” My body is heating up so I take my blazer off, exposing my arms.
    “No, Addi. I’m not joking! This will be great. You guys can get to know each other, learn a ton of new things for this project, and then you can work on getting those pasty white arms tanned. You live in Florida and you still look like you’re living in Iowa.” He laughs hysterically at his own joke yet again. I didn’t think it was funny at all, but for some reason I can’t hold a chuckle back. John is a dick, but he means well and his laugh can make anyone happy.
    “I can’t wait. When is our flight?” Lucas interjected. Shelly opens her planner and pulls out an envelope and hands it to me. She looks over at Lucas and her smile stretches from one two-carat princess-cut earring to the other.

    John has a limo sent to pick me up from my apartment at 6:30 p.m., our flight departs at 8:50 p.m. A few hours’ notice is not enough for a woman to get her shit together for a week long trip to Puerto fucking Rico! However, only being at the office for a couple of hours was pretty nice. I lug my floral suitcase down the apartment stairs and out the door.
    “Miss Allmon, let me take that for you.” The limo driver grabs the suitcase from my hand. I don’t think he was expecting it to be so heavy. “Are you moving to Puerto Rico?” He laughs from his plump stomach.
    “I only had four hours to prepare for this trip. I kind of just threw everything I owned into the suitcase.” Once I get into the limo there is a bottle of champagne sitting in ice. Ooh we’re getting real fancy now. “What is your name?” I ask the driver.
    “Jeffrey,” he barely gets his name out before he lets loose a big sneeze. I wonder if I can keep myself from drinking the whole bottle before we get Lucas…
    After fifteen minutes of driving we pull up to a condo on the beach. Jeffrey gets out and walks to the back to open the trunk and make a phone call. Shortly after, Lucas comes out of the condo wearing cowboy boots, tight, but not too tight jeans, a flannel shirt, and Ray-Bans, carrying a medium sized leather carry-on bag. Good Lord…please, have mercy on my soul. I’m about to lose the bet this week…well, if I haven’t already. That will be one of the first things I ask him once we get some time alone together. I’m not sure how exactly I’ll bring it up, maybe I’ll be blunt about it. Like, hey, did we fuck New Year’s Eve, because I woke up completely naked in a hotel room that a man paid for. Were you THAT man? Or what the hell happened, I need to know. Yeah, I think that’s a great way to bring it up.
    “Good evening, Miss.” Lucas winks as he steps into the limo. “Ooh, champagne. Fancy. Want a glass?” he offers.
    “Fine minds must think alike. That’s the first thing I noticed when I got in here too!” I laugh nervously. My stomach begins to gurgle. No…this cannot be happening. I cannot have the nervous shits during this flight or during this trip at all. Oh God…wait…we’re not sharing a room, are we? We can’t. I can’t poop in the same confined space as him! Jeffrey gets back in the limo.
    “Feel free to help yourselves to some champagne. Mr. Boyd requested it for you two, to celebrate this new journey and to loosen you guys up before your flight.” Lucas grabs the bottle of champagne and pours two glasses full to the brim. He hands one over to me, careful not to spill.
    “You realize you’re not supposed to fill them that full, right?”
    “What does it matter? We’re going to drink the whole bottle anyway.” He takes a slurp off the top. I nod at him in agreement and take a sip of mine.
    We get to the
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