“The waitress dropped some coffee on you when you got up to leave. It burned you and you fell over a chair and hit your head.”
None of his words sounded familiar. “Am I burned? Is that why my tummy hurts?”
A soft chuckle issued from him at her choice of words. “It’ s not a bad burn. You’ll be tender for a day or so, but it’s not serious.”
“Is she going to be okay?”
Sabrina looked up at Moira Callahan. She held a phone in her hand and spoke to Darius.
“I think she will be fine, but she needs to go home and rest.”
“I have to get to work…”
“Not today, you don’t,” Moira said. “I’m calling Mazy and letting her know you won’t be in for at least a week.”
“Wise choice, Ms. Callahan.” Darius reached for Sabrina’s skull
Irritation filtered through the pain in Sabrina’s head. “You did this on purpose…”
He dropped his hands as outrage filled his expression. “I did nothing of the sort, Lady Foxglove.” Darius raised his chin and looked down his nose. “It was an accident.”
“You just want me to host the…dignitaries.” At least she had enough wits not to name the Summer Court in front of everyone. “Best way to do that is get me out of my job.”
“I doubt a concussion and a first degree burn is the best way to get you to host anyone,” Moira said drily. “And Tess said it was an accident when you two bumped and the coffee spilled.”
Moira would never lie to her and Tess seemed honest enough, but she knew the Fae and their minions. She wouldn’t put it past Darius to have finagled Tess’ s coffee slosh. Sabrina narrowed her eyes at him, but his expression didn’t change.
Moira reached for her arm. “Come on, Sabrina. Let’s get you home so you can rest.”
Darius dropped his imperious attitude to help her up, and she resolutely ignored how much she enjoyed feeling his hands on her. I don’t like his delicious scent or the warmth emanating from his body. At all.
Moira raised her eyebrows, but said nothing as Darius picked Sabrina up and carried her toward the front doors. Sabrina tried not to blush while the other patrons stared at their passing. She wondered when she’d be able to come back to the Cloudburst after this little episode. Everyone would be talking about it for months.
“How’d you get here, Sabrina? Did you drive?” Moira asked.
“Yes.” She squirmed in Darius’ s arms. “Did anyone grab my purse and coat?”
“You have your coat on, hon, and I have your purse.” Moira lifted her bag. “You shouldn’t be driving with your injury. I’ll give you a ride to the hospital in my Jeep.”
“ No, no hospital. I’ll be fine.”
“Sabrina, concussions are serious.”
Sabrina held up her hand. “I’ll be fine at home.”
Moira didn’t look convinced. “Are you sure you’ll be all right alone with the girls?”
“Yes, I —”
“She won’t be alone. I’ll be there to help look after her.” Darius’ s voice rumbled against Sabrina’s shoulder.
“No, you don’t have to.” She didn’t want him anywhere near her home when she felt so vulnerable.
“I want to, Ms. Foxglove. And it’s no trouble. I’ll be happy to stay as long as you need.”
Sabrina glared at him while the women who’d overheard sighed with “awwws” and “ohhhhs” at his kindness , but she knew his game. His innocent look only added to her frustration.
The sneaky bastard just got into my home and got a free place to stay.
“All right then, we’ll get you home in a blink.”
Moira led them through the kitchen to the back rooms of the bar and gathered her purse, coat, and keys. She hustled them out the door to her snow-dusted Jeep parked beneath a small overhang. Darius set Sabrina in the back seat and climbed in beside her while Moira stepped out to sweep the windshield. Sabrina wondered where he’d put his huge sword, grateful she didn’t have to hold it for him in the car.
Oh, man, that sounds bad. Can I
Cross-Eyed Dragon Troubles