A Few Good Men

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Book: A Few Good Men Read Online Free PDF
Author: Cat Johnson
Tags: FIC02091990
    John nodded. “I’ll grab ours then I’m right behind you. Gonzo, you’ll have command while I’m on the ground.”
    Jazzy crawled out of the tank to go collect the necessary equipment while Gonzo on the main gun accepted temporary command and continued to scan for the enemy.
    Since the sun had yet to rise, John grabbed a battery-operated light from the stowage. He was half out of his hatch to help Jazzy secure the vehicle when he heard what could only be a vehicle approaching in high gear. It wasn’t long before he spotted it. A truck with no lights was heading straight at them at top speed.
    Right about the same time, John spotted a second inbound vehicle, this one a car. The call came over the tank’s radio, announcing the second threat headed their way.
    John swung his M4 from his shoulder. “Gonzo, take out that truck. Jazzy! Take cover!”
    With Gonzo taking care of the threat from the truck, John opened fire on the car, spraying low to blow the front tires and sending it into a swerve before it could impact the tank. Even with the tires flattened, the momentum of the vehicle could still cause it to collide with the tank. If John knew anything about the enemy and their habits, the car was most likely packed full of explosives that would blow with enough force to do major damage.
    John was vaguely aware of the events as they played out in front of him. Jazzy jumped off the road and out of the way, hitting the ground with his arms thrown over his helmet for protection. The truck, disabled by both Gonzo’s main gun and fire from White One, stopped just shy of smashing into them. The car veered off the road, hitting a rock embankment and blowing sky high. There was a deafening sound from the explosion and a ringing in his ears. The smoke and dust seemed to take forever to settle. When it did, it revealed Jazzy lying, unmoving, on the ground.

Chapter Three
    Dearest Summer,
    Lovers, huh? Hehe. What does your friend think? That we secretly meet in Baghdad at a hotel for a tryst? My wife did get a good laugh at your co-worker’s suggestion, though, as did I. Where there is a will, there is a way. Believe me. Cyber sex, though difficult in the MWR, is not impossible. But you don’t want to know the details of that. Hehe.
    Anyway, things have finally quieted down again for the last few hours, which really only means we had a chance to sleep uninterrupted for a bit and try to catch up on all the things we didn’t get to do before. I have no doubt the baddies are still out there somewhere, just taking a break for a lil’ while. I did, however, actually read your book. That way I can tell everyone else how good it is. It was really good for a ”girl” book. You do a great job getting into the male character’s head. Are we men that transparent? (Don’t answer that.) Anyway, I don’t have much time to read and the little down time I do have I use to sleep, catch up on emails and communicate with my wife, but I stayed awake to finish your book and then passed it along for others to enjoy. Believe it or not, Morales, our driver, now has it.
    You are a really special woman to do all you do for us and I want you to know how much it means, and I am not only saying that because we really like the coffee, even though we do. These men are so dedicated to the platoon and the job at hand, particularly my tank commander, SSgt Blake, who is always worrying about the men in his command more than himself, that something as small as a decent cup of coffee is a huge deal. It is good for me to see the men enjoying something again, even a thing as seemingly inconsequential. I thank you for that. Well, I am halfway into my thirty minutes of computer time and my wife just came on Instant Messenger. Today is her birthday so I will close now. Hope to talk again soon. Take care , Summer.
    Your friend, Jazzy
    Maureen finished reading the email aloud and leaned back from her laptop. She had received it the day before and read it at
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