The Baby Bargain
weighed at least fifty pounds more. He made her feel
     small, and when she was in his arms, protected. Seeing Adam this way—it cut her with
     guilt. Cole was his son. Had she been wrong to keep their child a secret?
    But even as she wondered if she’d been fair to Adam, she had to remind herself that
     Cole was her main concern. She couldn’t risk her son’s tender heart with a man who
     might not treasure it. Besides, Adam had already proven that he was a man who had
     a habit of walking away.
    “I’m too old and have too many responsibilities to be your sex buddy, Adam.”
    His face went dark. “I never called you that.”
    She couldn’t do this again. Both times he’d left her, it had hurt right to her soul.
     But she no longer harbored schoolgirl fantasies of romance. She was a realist, and
     maybe it was better to get it all out on the table. “What is it you want from me?”
    He rubbed his hand over the shadow of his beard. “I’ve never forgotten. No matter
     where I went, what I was doing, you were there in my mind.” Dropping his hand, he
     looked her in the eye. “I want us to be friends.”
    Megan heard her heartbeat in her ears. “With benefits?”
    “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want that.” Intensity burned in his eyes. “You felt
     it tonight—we’re still attracted to each other. But I want to be friends, with or
     without sex.”
    In other words, he was confident he could seduce her. And why wouldn’t he think that?
     She’d fallen into bed with him easily enough after his parents’ funeral. But she was
     different now. She had to be, for Cole’s sake.
    Ellie stirred on the bed. Eager for the distraction, Megan crouched and began examining
     her. The wound was already looking a little better. This was what she was good at—taking
     care of animals. She felt grounded and whole as a veterinarian, and as Cole’s mother.
    Adam’s shadow fell over her, but he stayed silent while she carefully checked Ellie’s
     vitals. Pleased with the dog’s progress, she said, “The worst has passed. I’m going
     to keep her with me for a day, administer the antibiotics, and a little sedation to
     keep her quiet if she needs it.” She stroked the Lab’s head and Ellie opened her eyes.
     The dog licked her hand, then closed her eyes and went back to sleep.
    Megan let herself feel relief and happiness at having helped the stray. Growing up
     feeling alone and unloved by her father, she had always gotten unconditional love
     from her pets. Their selfless devotion had helped patch the hole in her heart. Now
     her passion was giving back to the animals that needed her.
    Finally, she rose and faced Adam. “I’ll call you when you can pick her up.”
    He jerked his gaze from the dog to her. “I cared about you in college. Too damned
     much. My feelings for you threatened my goals. You wanted a home and family, and I
     wanted a career in the military. I had to break up with you.”
    She worked to keep her emotions under control. “And three years ago?”
    “I was committed to the Marines. I couldn’t stay. It just seemed better to keep it
    He must have seen the incredulous look on her face. “Doing what I did, serving where
     I served, I didn’t want any strings that would complicate things. Simple.”
    Megan wasn’t sure if she wanted to laugh or cry. Simple? It might have been for him.
     But three years ago, her life had been anything but simple. The panic of realizing
     she was pregnant. The decisions. Not knowing how to find Adam—he hadn’t left her any
     way of contacting him…
    It wasn’t that simple for her. “And now, Adam?”
    “I’m being honest with you,” he said softly, reaching out to touch her arm. “I’m only
     here a few weeks, and after that, I’ll be back in L.A. Spend time with me, Meg.”
    Tingles ran through her body as she realized she was actually considering his offer.
    Spend time together, and they would end up in bed. A
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