introduced him to at the picnic rose from a chair at the desk. Her sly smile promised he and Jenessa would be featured in the latest round of gossip to sweep through the hospital. He shrugged. Then, wondering why he didn’t care who knew he was seeing Jenessa, he headed for the nurse manager’s office.
* * *
On Friday evening, Jenessa dashed into the apartment fifteen minutes later than she’d planned. Instead of counting the number of tranquilizers, sedatives and narcotics in the cabinet, the night nurse had been intent on gossip. Her story, a greatly embellished version of the one Jenessa had heard at the picnic, stated that a member of the administration had an inside line with the company seeking to purchase the hospital.
The woman had speculated about Eric. Where had he worked before coming to Eastlake? Who besides Sam Gray did he know? How had he beaten out Sandra for the job?
Jenessa frowned. She didn’t know the answer and she refused to believe the rumors.
The apartment door slammed behind her. She dropped her purse on the couch and unbuttoned the stained and rumpled uniform that had been pristine that morning. As she sprinted for the bathroom, she heard Megan singing. Her roommate stood in front of the mirror making minor adjustments in her make-up.
“Are you going to be long?” Jenessa asked.
“Why?” Megan asked.
“I have a date at eight thirty.”
Megan raised an eyebrow. “Anyone I know?”
“Eric,” Jenessa mumbled. She hadn’t told her roommate about the encounter in the laundry room or about coffee at Frank’s Place because she hadn’t wanted to face one of Megan’s interrogations. Jenessa entered her bedroom, opened the closet and took out an aqua jumpsuit.
Thirty seconds later, Megan appeared at the door. “Is this the Eric, otherwise known as the enemy? The bathroom’s yours. Why don’t the two of you join Josh and me at the Cove?”
“We have other plans.” Jenessa slid past Megan and closed the bathroom door. Her roommate’s prediction rang in her thoughts. “An opposition can be exciting. He’s perfect for you.”
So why were her emotions coiled like the spring in a Jack in the Box? Any discussion with Megan would pop the lid. Jenessa knew if she let an inkling of her confusion escape, she wouldn’t have a moment’s peace. She soaped, rinsed and toweled dry.
The doorbell rang. Not Eric, she prayed. Not while Megan was still home.
Megan charged down the hall. “Have a good time. I knew this would happen.” A second ring punctuated the end of her sentence. “Josh, I’m coming.”
Jenessa faced the mirror and practiced deep breathing. Slowly, her back muscles released their grip on her spine. Then, realizing she was hungry, she ran to the kitchen for a container of yogurt. When the doorbell rang, she swallowed the last spoonful and carried the container to the door.
Eric nodded. “Just a snack? We could hit the buffet at the Cove.”
She thought of Megan’s relentless curiosity and shook her head. “I’ve been craving buttered popcorn all day.” She dropped the yogurt container in the garbage and returned to the living room for her purse.
“Then that’s what you’ll get.” He held the door for her. “Glad you got off on time. I knew your unit had a sick call for tonight and I was afraid you’d be tapped for overtime.”
“I’m on tomorrow and Sunday. Even Sandra wouldn’t have the nerve to ask.” She entered the elevator. “So when do contract talks begin?”
“The Board hasn’t addressed the issue.”
“We won’t accept that.”
“You’ll have to.”
During the drive to the movie theater, they talked about music, food and books. Jenessa slipped in questions about his previous jobs. His deft evasions stirred her suspicions. Why was he being so secretive? She didn’t want to believe he was part of a plot.
Somewhere between the ticket booth and their seats, the last shred of ease vanished. Why had she agreed to this
Jason Erik Lundberg (editor)