The 3 Essentials: All You Need for Success in Life

The 3 Essentials: All You Need for Success in Life Read Online Free PDF

Book: The 3 Essentials: All You Need for Success in Life Read Online Free PDF
Author: Casey Treat
    The passage in Romans 1:16-17 goes on to say that everything about our relationship with God is revealed from faith to faith; meaning, as our understanding and belief in His Word grows, our faith grows. Just like steps on a journey, each one moving us forward, so we move in our destinies from faith to faith to faith to faith to faith. First, we believe Jesus is our Savior, but let’s not stop there. Why not believe He’s our healer, our financer, our wisdom, our peace, and our joy? Faith to faith. Then let’s believe for the spouse, and the children, and the raise, and the increase. Faith to faith to faith. Then let’s believe for our kids’ spouses, and their raises, and their increases. Faith to faith to faith to faith!
    Every promise in the Bible is available to us; every aspect of God’s character can flow through us, and along with these, an amazing power. God’s Word releases a powerful message into our lives, and when we have faith in it, all Heaven breaks loose, all of God’s blessings break loose, and we find ourselves living extraordinary supernatural lives!

Saying and Saying
    And Jesus went into Jerusalem and into the temple. So when He had looked around at all things, as the hour was already late, He went out to Bethany with the twelve. Now the next day, when they had come out from Bethany, He was hungry. And seeing from afar a fig tree having leaves, He went to see if perhaps He would find something on it. When He came to it, He found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for figs. In response Jesus said to it, “Let no one eat fruit from you ever again.” And His disciples heard it. (Mark 11:11-14)

    To move things along here, let me summarize the next several verses: Jesus made a whip, they went into the temple of Jerusalem, and He freaked everyone out. Then the next day, in verses 20-22 , “Now in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots. And Peter, remembering, said to Him, ‘Rabbi, look! The fig tree which You cursed has withered away.’ So Jesus answered and said to them, ‘Have faith in God.’ ”
    What? Peter tells Jesus the tree is withered and His response is, “Have faith in God”? I was stirred up by this response because it seemed like a non sequitur. What does the withering of the fig tree have to do with having faith in God? So I did a bit of study, and this is what I found: the Greek translation of this verse is literally “Have the God kind of faith.” I love that! When a negative circumstance arises, the God kind of faith doesn’t just sit down and accept it; it sees the challenge, speaks to the issues, and changes them. I believe Jesus was using this situation as an illustration about how we should approach life.
    Anybody can talk about the problem. Most of us would’ve seen the fig tree and then complained all night about how hungry we were, and “if only that tree would’ve had some fruit on it, I wouldn’t be dealing with these hunger pangs right now.” We all act like this, don’t we? We all have thoughts like “Oh, if only my spouse would be more sensitive,” “If only my boss would see how valuable I am, I’d get that raise,” and “If only my body would get healthy.” Anybody can complain about what is wrong in his life.
    Jesus wants us to understand that faith people don’t waste their breath talking about their problems; faith people talk to their problems. We speak to those things that are wrong in our lives, and in doing so, we transform them.
    Jesus wants us to understand that faith people don’t waste their breath talking about their problems; faith people talk to their problems. We speak to those things that are wrong in our lives, and in doing so, we transform them.

    Jesus further explains in verses 23-24, “For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be
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